six - the glue

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Chapter Six: THE GLUE

Chapter Six: THE GLUE

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Gale paced in the waiting room with JJ while Hotch left to check with the doctors about the condition of Garcia. Gale was recounting every last moment she had spent with Garcia in her mind. They were laughing and reading together just the other day and now Garcia was in surgery. Gale kept walking up and down the room. How does someone come home from a date and get shot?

Hotch walked in and Gale immediately asked for an update. Before he could answer JJ looked down the hallway and immediately stood up. Spencer had rushed down the hall, concern written all over his face. "She's in surgery." JJ informed Reid.

Gale looked over and asked Hotch if there had been any news. He shook his head. "This is crazy." replied Reid.

Agents David Rossi and Emily Prentiss stormed into the room. "What do we know?" he asked, wanting to quickly get to the bottom of what happened.

"Police think it wad a botched robbery." said Hotch looking just as concerned as the rest of the team. The group was more than a team, they were a family. Garcia had been the glue, they couldn't lose her.

"Where's Morgan?" asked Prentiss.

"He's not answering his cell." said JJ. Reid walked off to call Morgan again and Gale took a deep breath.

"What aren't you saying?" asked Rossi. Hotch was hesitant earlier and Rossi knew there was more to know about what occurred.

"I spoke to one of the paramedics who brought her in." said Hotch in a hushed voice. "It doesn't look good."

The team was restless. Gale started pacing again. JJ talked to the doctors, but couldn't get any new information. Reid tried to call Morgan, but the phone continued to go straight to voicemail. Prentiss started to get frustrated.

Time continued to pass and the team continued to wait in the waiting room. At that point a majority of the group sat down unable to stay on their feet. JJ anxiously sat in her chair tapping her foot on the ground. Emily held her hand to offer some comfort. Gale, who finally stopped pacing, sat down next to Reid. He kept checking his watch counting the minutes that Garcia spent in surgery. Hotch and Rossi remained standing.

Apart of Hotch, Reid and JJ, Gale hadn't fully been introduced to the other members of the BAU. She hated that it had to be Garcia's ill affliction that brought them together.

Morgan walked into the room and Gale stood up to give him a hug. "She's been in surgery a couple hours," Gale informed him.

"I was at church. My phone was off." he replied.

"There's nothing you could have been doing here." said Reid in his chair. As upsetting as it was, Reid was right as always. All they could do was sit and wait to hear how the surgery went.

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