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There is 4 lists with different types of prompts,remember to say what list while requesting (you can say the number of the list or what the name of the list is x)

1st list:Including the children
(Some children prompts will be Matilda some will be a newborn/toddler child) 

1 - being woken up by your child(ren) and you both being unable to be annoyed by it because they're just so sweet

2 - being in awe by how small everything is on a child ('just look at these fingers? How can they be real?!')

3 - using the child(ren) as an excuse to not do something

4-teaching the child how to pronounce their own name, but they just can't get it right

5- taking candid pictures of the other when they're taking care of the child(ren)

6 - having the child cuddling up in their lap after being teased/bullied by another child

7 - using the made-up words of their child(ren) in all their conversations

8 - playing rock paper scissors to determine who's bringing the child(ren) to bed

9 - trying to make a family portrait but the child is always blinking/fooling around

10 - watching the child(ren) being in awe of the simplest things


11 - "Where is [child's name]?" "I thought you had them!"

12 - to the toddler: "Did you really just say [word]?"

13 - to the other parent and the child(ren): "Weren't you supposed to tidy everything up instead of starting a new game?"

14 - child: "If you won't stop I'm going to tell mum

15 - child: "I already know everything. You don't have to tell me."

16 - "No wonder. They're just like their mama"

17 - to the child: "Could you please bring this to mama ?" *handing them a tiny love note*

18 - child: "But I'm scared. I can't do it."

19 - child: "I'm already big, though. I'm allowed to do this."

20 - child: "Look, I made this for you. I also made one for mu

2nd list:Smut prompts (intersex)
1-Person A and B can't keep their hands off of each other for a long time.

2-Person A touching Person B under the table during a dinner with their family/friends.

3-Person A and B having sleepy morning sex.

4-Person A leaving love bites all over Person B's body... maybe to show everyone that B is A's.

5-Person A giving oral sex to Person B while stroking themselves.

6-Person A pillow fighting with Person B, and it turns into steamy make-out session.

7-Person A and B breaking the bed together *wink*

8-Person A buying a sex toy and Person B is so excited to try it out.

9-Person A gets possessive when A sees Person B flirting with someone (which is not exactly true) and shows B who B belongs to.

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