Old Friends

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Sherlock had just put his last box of belongings into his older brother's car when he heard the sobs of his mother. "I'll be home for Christmas mum!" Sherlock sighed as he was pulled into a bone crushing hug. "I know Sherly it's just sad seeing you go off every year" his mother said with a sniffle. He scowled at the nickname as Mycroft had a laughing fit in the driver's seat. "We really do have to go now, mother" Mycroft said finally getting his breath back.

"Really tried to leave without giving your old man a hug?" Sherlock turned away from his mother a got pulled into a less extreme hug. "Bye dad" He replied getting a bit agitated at the intensity of the situation. After all he had been going for four years at this point, and it was the same every time he went back. Once he was let go, he hastily got into Mycroft's car before any more hugs could be initiated.

He waved to his parents as Mycroft drove down the road. Once they were out of their parent's view he let out a sigh of relief and sunk into his seat.

"What's wrong does Sherly miss his parents already?" Mycroft teased. Sherlock just sunk further into his seat while Mycroft laughed.

"I pulled a few strings to get you a nice dorm room, so you're welcome" Mycroft added keeping his eyes on the road. Although he was still young, Mycroft had gotten a position in the British government. Even though Sherlock would never admit it he did look up to his older brother. "How lovely" Sherlock said sarcastically. "Anytime, brother dear" Mycroft responded in the same tone.

They got to the school in a matter of minutes and soon enough they were unloading Sherlock's belongings onto the pavement.

"Why the fuck do you need so much stuff!" Mycroft exclaimed finally dropping the last box. "Shut up and help me get it to my room" Sherlock grunted attempting to lift 3 boxes at once.

Once the brothers made their way inside, they noticed an old lady sitting behind a desk. Mycroft approached her and politely asked "Hello, is this where you collect your keys?". The woman replied with "Oh yes dear, could I get the student's name?" Sherlock answered before Mycroft could open his mouth. "Sherlock Holmes". Upon hearing this the woman who Sherlock had seen to be called Mrs Hudson based on her name tag, begun typing away at a computer. "Ah I see dear, you are in 221 b" she said handing Sherlock the keys as he tried to manoeuvre the boxes in his arms. " Thank you" Mycroft told her and flashed Mrs Hudson a very fake smile.

The two Holmes children weren't the most social  people. Ever since they were little they decided to keep to themselves and not engage with many other people. Even in play school they read books instead of playing with the other children.

Soon enough they found the dorm room. It wasn't terrible but not overly great either. Sherlock thought the room was quite big compared to last year and then suddenly it dawned on him. "You son of a bitch" he shouted. Mycroft just laughed at his younger brother. "I told you I pulled a few strings to get you a nice dorm" he wheezed. "NOT ONE WITH FOUR FUCKING ROOMMATES!" Sherlock screeched. Mycroft put the boxes next to the doorway, where Sherlock left his, and said his last goodbyes to his fuming sibling.

Just as Sherlock had calmed himself he began to explore the rooms. He was quite early as he wanted to get out of his house as soon as possible, so he decided to have the first choice of beds.

The dorm was small enough in general, but big for a dorm room. There was a small couch in the middle of the main room that looked as though a thousand people had sat there beforehand, which wouldn't surprise him. At the end of the room there were two rooms, which each had two single beds in them and two very small wardrobes. The last door which remained closed was what Sherlock presumed was the bathroom. There was also a table near the couch and a microwave along with a kettle. The walls were off-white and the floors were a cheap grey Lino. The couch was a salmon colour and the kettle, for some odd reason, was lime green.

Sherlock made these deductions within seconds of being in the room. As he began walking to the room he chose he heard rustling near the door and a muffled "For fuck's sake"

Eventually the door opened and the person let out a sigh of relief. Brilliant Sherlock thought One of my many roommates. " No way" The person had a thick Dublin accent. North side by the sound of it. There was one person Sherlock knew who sounded like that. " Lily?" "Heya Sherly" It was them. Sherlock turned around to face them.

Lily and Sherlock were cousins. Lily had short brown curly hair but their curls weren't as defined as Sherlocks, and it was styled differently. Lily wasn't extremely tall but she was over the average, about 5 6. They were very pale, some would say even more pale than the man in front of them, but it was balanced out with the thousands of freckles all over their face. Both Sherlock's and Lily's noses were the same but their eyes and lips were different. Lily had what people would call 'sleepy eyes' and always had dark circles under them no matter how much they slept. They had downward turned lips which were different to Sherlock's cupid ones. They had an athletic build and their ears were full of piercings and well as a septum piercing in their nose. They wore GAA shorts and a baggy jumper. Lily was always tired with their sports and exercise so of course they had a monster in one had along with some sort of stick Sherlock had never seen before, although it looked quite cool.

There was an insane amount of suitcases in the doorway, way too many for a dorm room.

Neither of them were big huggers, so they simply smiled at each other.

"How's my favourite gay doing ?" Lily asked gathering their suitcases. "Good until I realised I had four roommates" Sherlock responded with a roll of his eyes. "You're fucking joking!" They dropped the suitcases in their hands. Sherlock laughed a little and picked up the suitcases they had dropped. After Lily got over their outburst, they helped Sherlock with the suitcases.

" Can I share your room?" They asked Sherlock. "Is that allowed?" He questioned. " I mean we're hardly going to fuck ! Where are we Alabama? Also, we're both gay. And if they bring up the gender situation, well I mean I don't feel female all the time anyway so" Sherlock almost forgot Lily was gender-fluid. He glanced at their badge they had. They changed it each day. Today it had 'They/Them' on it. It made it a lot easier than telling everyone everyday so Lily bought it.

"Yeah I suppose so" Sherlock replied moving Lily's suitcases into the now shared room. "You're dressed quite fancy" Lily said. Sherlock wore a purple shirt that clung to his figure along with some black slacks. "This is my whole wardrobe" he responded gesturing to his clothes. "Anyway I want to make a good impression on people" he muttered. "Since when did Sherlock Holmes care about other people!" Lily exclaimed sarcastically. "You're going soft Sherly" "Fuck off" He huffed.

There was muttering at the door again. Sherlock could barely make it out, but it was something along the lines of "How the fuck did we end up in a dorm together?!" "You really think I want this any more than you do?!" Lily had just finished putting their suitcases away when they heard the noise as well. "Seems like the new roommates are here" they sighed.

The door swung open and Sherlock and Lily froze. So did the people in the doorway. An extremely awkward "Heyyy" was all Lily could croak out to break the silence. In the doorway there was a man with blond hair and a woman with brown.

The blonde put his hand out towards Sherlock "I'm John." He said "John Watson."

So how do we like it so far. It's not much but it's enough to keep people going.  From now on I'll put Lily's prns at the start of each part. Also how do we like them.  I think they're cool but anyways.  Lily and Sherlock are a good platonic couple. Uhm I used a spelling yoke off Google so if it's bad lemme know and I won't use it again lol. Enjoy, vote comment whatever and let me know any spelling errors.
-Jamie <3

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