Twenty one

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"Look, Greg, don't try to joke with me. Sapphire herself told me the baby isn't mine."

"Come to the bar immediately. I have proof." The call got disconnected and I couldn't even imagine Sapphire doing that to me. How could she keep such a secret from me for so long. I had a baby all these while and I was getting married? What exactly did I do to deserve such cruel treatment? Was she ever going to tell me? I thought as I drove out of the hotel not even bothering to explain the whole issue to my mum. Every other person could wait. I needed to know the truth.

Getting to the bar, I rushed in and found the boys standing together and looking tensed. Once they noticed my presence, they gave me a look of sympathy and I was disgusted.

"What the fuck is going on?" I yelled and Greg explained everything to me while the other two tried to calm me down.

They even played a recording for me as Greg claimed to have gone to my house to get something and heard my name in their discussion. He said he waited to hear what they would say and decided to record but didn't expect them to be holding a huge secret. I was beyond pissed off.

I sped off to the house even if the boys tried holding me back. I needed to hear from Sapphire herself, as well.

Sapphire's p.o.v

I dressed up casually and was trying to put on my black and silver flats to meet Bryan at the bar and break the news to him when I heard a loud bang on my door.

"Who's that?" I screamed in annoyance as I went to the door.

"Open this goddamn door now, else I'm breaking it open." I heard a growl from the other side and I opened it and wasn't even able to see the face when the person stormed in, rage very eminent around him. It was Bryan and he looked like a wounded lion, ready to tear anything around him apart.

"Bryan, what happened?" I asked softly.

"Just cut the bullshit and tell me." He said with a scoff and I wondered why he was being so cold and mean to me. Did I do something wrong?

"Tell you what?" I asked, confused.

"Wow! Such an actress." He said and as much as I was trying to keep my cool. He wouldn't stop pushing buttons.

"Bryan can you be civilized and talk to me nicely?"

"Nice?" He shouted and got dangerously closer to me, his hands shaking profusely. I unconsciously placed a hand under my bump and he looked down at it before looking back at me with disgust in his eyes.

"Sapphire. Is this baby mine?" He shouted at me.

"Bryan can we sit and—"

"I'll ask one more time. Is the baby mine?" He screamed and I shouted back.

"Yes! Yes! The baby is yours!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Why did you hide it, Sapphy?" He asked in a whisper.

"Bryan... I" I started.

"What did I do to you? I asked you if the baby was mine and you told me 'hell no' , Sapphire. Why? Don't I deserve to be a father? Am I that bad and promiscuous that I shouldn't know I have a child?"

"Bryan, that's not it—"

"Then what!" He screamed again, causing me to flinch as I hiccuped in tears.

"I thought we were friends. I thought you could tell me anything." He shook his head.

"Bryan, please." I begged, going down on my knees and touching his leg.

"Don't touch me, Sapphire. I don't know if I can even trust you. You're just like the others." He said, moving back.

"I was on my way to tell you." I said, crying more.

"When? Today? A day to my wedding? Sapphire, after this baby, I don't think I want to see you. You disgust me." He said and stormed out of the house.

"Bryan!" I screamed and ran after him. He got into his car and drove off with speed and I tried the best I could to follow him. He drove down with more speed and in a split second, I heard a loud crashing  sound.

"Bryan you have to wake up! Doctor please help him." I shouted in tears as I followed the gurney that the nurses used to move him to the emergency unit.

My white t-shirt was soaked with his blood and I was sobbing like a baby. More people had rushed in as I had called his friends immediately I got to him and saw his phone. I followed them till they shut the emergency room door in my face.

"Ma'am, you'll have to wait here while we attend to him. Besides, you have to be still because of your condition." The nurse said calmly.

"That's the father of my baby in there. How do you expect me to be calm?" I asked as I sobbed. I felt a pair of hands grab me and lead me to the waiting chairs.

"I'm Obi." He said and I just nodded. He was one of Bryan's friends.

"He's going to be okay right?" I asked him with a sliver of hope in me.

"It's my fault he's there." I wailed and he continued consoling me.

"Bryan is going to be okay, right?" I asked him again and he just nodded. Just then, a couple rushed in and Tehilah followed with some of her girls.

"Where is my husband?" She asked with a shout as Bryan's other friends went to calm her down.

The couple which I found out to be Bryan's parents sat close to me in a very sober mood and found comfort in each other.

After about thirty minutes, the doctor stepped out and a good number of people rushed to him.

"Where's the family of the young man?" He asked and the parents moved forward with Tehilah. After discussing something with them, they went in to see him. They didn't come out till about thirty minutes later. It was already dark and Tehilah's girls had started going. I stayed back with his friends and even when I tried to start up a convo with any of them, they refused to answer me.

They knew I was the reason he was where he was. I was pained. Tehilah went in again as she couldn't stop crying. I wasn't allowed to see him so I just sat outside holding myself to comfort while Obi went to get me something to eat.

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