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Hello, this is ANOTHER story that I have been working on. I hope you enjoy!


      Shokiya's heels were bouncing on the stool she was standing on under the window. Her chubby cheek were pressed up against the glass, her warm breath fanning out clouding the window.

      She was waiting for a certain sleepy, grumpy man, who she held dear to her heart very much, also known as her father. She always waited for his work shift to end and stood in this very spot, even though she knew it would take a while for him to get home because they were farther out towards the edge of Musutafu city. But she waited as patiently as she could, eager to greet him.
      Unbeknownst to her, she had managed to activate her power in excitement, and to her mother's amusement, the dish water she was working with started to float as well as the running tap water. Her mother chuckled when she felt herself begin to feel weightless, and the house plants began to grow in an alarming speed.

      She couldn't yell at the small child, seeing as she herself had the same habit when she was a young one. So she gracefully floated out of the kitchen to the living room towards the mini brunette, and gently placed her hand on her shoulder.

      "Shokiya dear," She chuckled, "calm down now. You'll see your father soon enough. Calm down a bit or you might break something, can you do that for Mama?"

      The girl turned slightly to see her mother's hair floating lightly and the house plants crawling on the floor.

      "Oops." She murmured, and she started to concentrate on the overwhelming happy emotions, calming herself down as things started to settle around the household.

      "Sowwy" She whispered guiltily.

      Elaine chuckled softly and shook her head as she cupped her hands on her child's soft cheeks.

      "It's okay dear, just make sure you watch how excited you get, so your powers don't go all over the place, alright?"

      Shokiya's cheery smile returned with a quick nod, a small giggle escaping from her throat.
      Suddenly, the small girl whirled around and started jumping and giggling hysterically. Elaine tilted her head to the side in confusion, causing her brown locks to flow to the side and cover half of her face.
      Then she heard some of her dishes rattle in the kitchen and the plants started to shift and grow once more, while a faint tremble shook the floor. She sighed and shook her head, here we go again.

      "I wonder what has gotten her all excited this time." She thought, until the giggling mess started to hop around the room to the couch and grabbed her kitten hugging him gently, despite her uncontrollable joy.

Then she started to shout in a childish way,

      "Daddy's home, daddy's home! I hear him coming! Come Bean, let's see daddy!" She then proceeded to rush to the door with Bean, her black, long haired kitten, and attempted to open it.
      Seeing that her hands were full of fluff, she quickly but carefully placed Bean down, who in turn, rushed away from the chaotic energy, claws scratching against the hardwood floor in his desperate escape.

      The short girl tried opening the heavy door but in her haste she failed her mission.

      "Mama!" She whined loudly alerting Elaine of her distress. Her mother got out of her crouching position and playfully scolded her toddler

      "Haste makes waste." She then reached over and opened the door slightly, seeing that her daughter was in the way.
      A quick squeak was all she got for a 'thank you' when Shokiya practically threw herself out the door and ran down the worn dirt path to the white picket fence.
      Lo and behold, a dark figure with a grey-ish scarf around his neck, dark eyes and lanky frame, began to open the front gate.

      "Daddy!" the small child cried, running up and jumped up in the tall man's arms. Who in turn, fully expected this happy attack.

      "Hello, kitten." Shota huffed affectionately, booping her button nose, earning a laugh.

      Although he was a grumpy, gruff, and cold man to others, he treasured those he considered close, especially family. Though he might not show or admit it, he truly cared. And if you were to see him now, you would know it.

      "Shota." Elaine said softly, reaching up and cupped her husband's cheek.
      He turned his head and leaned down to kiss her. Shokiya scrunched up her little nose whispering a small,"Eww."

      Her mother laughed airily, and Shota chuckled, his deep voice rumbled vibrating against the toddler, making her lean forward, burying her face in the crook of his neck to hear and feel the pleasant sound better.
      It was a rare occurrence for him to laugh or make any noise in amusement so she wanted to cherish the moment. Shota then lifted his hand and tried to smooth his daughter's wild hair, -that she must've inherited from him- as she sighed in contentment.
      Elaine resisted the urge to 'aww' at the precious sight before her. She also realized that Shokiya was falling asleep in her father hold.

      "She refuses to take naps these days, even when she's tired and grumpy. She only takes naps when you're around now." She hummed.
      Shota smiled fondly down at his child.

      "It must be something I do." He pondered softly, "I always manage to make people tired. I overhear the other teachers complain about that to each other."

      Elaina nodded in agreement,

"It must be your second quirk." She joked "Just looking at the both of you makes me want a nap as well."

      After a few moments of comfortable silence, Elaine gently ushered her husband in the house and directed him to the large couch in the living room. As soon as Shota sat down, however, he seemed to doze off to sleep immediately.

      "He must've had a hard day." Elaine mused, looking happily at her two sleeping beauties, debating whether she should join them and their napping session. But if she did, supper would not get made. However, she could cut corners and use her advanced power instead.

      So she gently moved her husband, levitating him a bit to make him lighter, and positioned him to lay down on his back still cradling Shokiya protectively. Then she sat down and made herself comfortable and placed Shota's head in her lap. She sighed happily like her daughter did earlier, content and grateful that her husband arrived safely home. And ever so slowly fell into a peaceful slumber.


      One in the future she would not get the pleasure of having for a long time...



      Hello my wonderful hoomans! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if this is kinda short or badly written, I'll try to do better next time.
      Please make sure to vote and follow if you already haven't! :)
      Also, please let me know if I should post more on this or not. If not, that's fine. :)

      Thanks for reading and have a good day/evening!!! 😊

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