"hey bbg😍" leans on air and dies

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                                                 hey kfc
what is it cutie?
                                      come over pls
alright i'm coming
(kfc pov)

BK texted me and now i'm on my way to his house, i wonder what he could need me for anyways.
i walk through BK door and see him standing there and then he noticed i was there
"OH UH-" bk said panicking "H-HEY BBG!" he then tried to lean on air, fell, then face planted the floor.
"....what the fuck BK-"
"aaaaAaaAAaaAAAHHHHHHHH" bk then screamed in embarrassment and pain as he seen the confusion on KFCs face.

114 words
made for my friend bc they got birthed today

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