Tacenda 12

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Tacenda 12

           Her heart raced, terrible thoughts assualted her mind as she look at him. It felt like her heart is being shred into pieces and her lungs is out of energy but still she shoot the wild animal to save his and her life. The horror that she felt is visible on her face, her face with glistening tears as she look at him shakely, the tears blurring out her view of him.
She felt afraid though she acts tough most of the time, calm and composed, in spite the fact that she is able to shoot continuesly and seemingoy not tired.
Her head tilt to look at him, relief flooding her for a moment that the wild animal is dead. He is breathing heavily but now, he looks better, maybe the pain go away.

"Are you alright now?" She immediately ask, gently touching him so that if he had any injury, she wouldn't severe it.
" Does something hurt? I'm sorry, I don't have any immediete  medicine with me and why are you here in the first place? "

"I thought that you might be in danger." He explained, breathing heavily.    "So I rushed in to save you not knowing that I'll be the one who will be save by you." He laughs, although he doesn't find anyhing funny, maybe he is just trying to calm her.
"You're not hurt anywhere?"

"I'm fine." She stood up again.
"I just found this place a little but strange."

"Strange?" He played dumb.

"Yes, like there are millions of eyes watching over me, It felt like I was in a den and a bait to a battalion of hungry lions."
Her eyes grew wide in shock.
" Wait! Don't move Eren, your right abdomen is bleeding. I'm sorry, I didn't see it a while ago. Wait, let me just go and find something to tend your wound. "

She started panicking, unable to think straight once again, this is one of those situation where she found herself absolutely wrecked. She really can't think straight when things like this happens. "I'll find something, just wait for me here Eren." 

Eren grab her hand weakly but soon the grip became firm.
  "It's alright , just stay by my side until this ends, please."
He said, pleadingly. His green eyes look at her weakly and as if those eyes were asking her, pleading at her to never leave her side and as she look at those eyes, she realized - she had never look at someone the way she looks at him, despite his attitude, she found herself liking it, she found herself alright with that but years had passed by and the man infront of her - isn't the same as before and it made her wonder if she had truly get to know him. Ever since their childhood, Eren has always been hard-headed, rough, callous, queit the rebellious one and his words were true and firm - he doesn't always lie, but when he does, he does it for the good of others despute it having a negative impact on him.

"....but Eren, listen to me, You're bleeding and I can't just leave you here. "
She tried to explain.
" I need to get you some help, let's go I'll take you with me. "

"I don't want to, just stay here." He refused once again and Mikasa sigh because she cannot convince him but that doesn't mean that she will give up, she would always try and try and try until she finally succeeded, she's the type of person that no matter how bad the situationis, she would always look at the bright side but right now, as he bleeds, she found the light flickering, fighting so hard not to fade.

"Get up, Eren, please, just get up. I'll help you."

Eren closed his eyes, his wound aches terribly, as if those wound is tearing him appart and eating him alive. He tried to stand up, just to get away from those vigilant eyes, and he knew that it would add more danger in the future.

" Eren, why are you so queit? " Mikasa whispered. "Did you felt them too? I think they are gone now."

He didn't answer her, he just closed his eyes and tried to breath regularly.

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