Chapter 24: The end of war and a new beginning]

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Chapter 24

War is a destructive thing that never benefited anyone. In war, there is no winner, everyone is a loser because everyone looses a part of them when it happens despite that, there are still war and they seem to continue. Unwavering, a goal clear in their mind for a blood must be spilled, thousand of sacrificial lambs must be killed and burned for a greater good. That's what most people who is involved in such things believe, they were never the one to die after all, and that's when he knew that they are cruel and unforgivable.

Something so unforgivable must die without mercy, he thinks.
Eren grits his teeth, Levi already informed him of the King's location and they are currently chasing for him, he told them not to kill the man just yet. Eren looks around in anger, those things they tried to pretect crumble before him. They tried to protect the people, they tried to stop the war, however their opponent didn't seem to care at all so Eren felt more resentful.

The six years of his life full of insomnia and paranoia seem nothing to those who declared the war, for a land as Tiny as Paradis but he endured, because those people he loves are in there and he is willing to kill just to keep them safe. He remembered everything to clearly.
It was the fourth year of the ongoing war, the seventeen years old Eren was on his barracks, eating the food that the castle had given him.  The people around him happily chomping on their foods like hungry pigs. It was already ten in the evening and it was their second meal of the day.

"Oi,oi! Eren, don't be such an outcast and join us." Jean called him with a smile, he was with a group of other soldiers. Connie and Armin are also there with him, they were all laughing together but Eren ignored him and continue eating his food, which contains of only potato and soup.

" Tch, what's with that guy?" he heard Jean whispered.
" It doesn't mean that he's the Crown Prince, he could be such an ass towards us. Remember, we are all the same here..sooner or later we'll all die in the battlefield."

" Jean!" Armin turns to scold him. " You should still respect him."

" Oh come on, Smart ass! The Strategiest Armin Arlert is a hero once again." He sounds annoyed before going back to chomping onto his food. Eren ignored them.

Then, after awhile, a knock on the door keeps them all alerted.

Captain Shadis was looking at them, particularly towards Eren. The old man looks so mean, the other notes.

" You have a letter." Eren walked towards Shadis and grab the paper in his hand, carefully walking back to his table and slowly, he teared the paper. Jean's group look at the paper, then to the symbol in there. It was the royal symbol, Jean was too interested to even bother listening to the other people's call for him.

"Yeah, what is this?" Jean grabs the paper from his hand causing Eren to glare at him.

Eren grabs the paper back. " It's bad to read other people's letter, Jean boy."

"Tch," He looks at him with annoyance. " What has gotten into you since morning, you look so pissed?"

Jean doesn't really hate Eren, he just like picking a fight with him, despite being in war, they like to have a showdown to know who is stronger between them.

" It's none of your business."

" Was it your fiancée's letter?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Shut up!"

" It is, then."

The war had thought him a lot in the process. 

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