Chapter 22: A Talk

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Chapter 22: A Talk

        The once bright castle fell appart only after hours since the war had began, the pile of dead bodies could be seen from the tower that is located in the center of Shiganshina, the countless amount of canon balls flying from left to right, the smoke that filled the atmosphere and the countless scream has been the noise that Carla could here. The Second Princess stood up from her seat, obviously worried as she pace from left to right from her room. She and the rest of the Princesses decided not to leave despite being invaded. Zeke's wife is with her, still navigating and trying to assess the situation.

" How was it?" She ask after a few minutes, she couldn't take the silence anymore, feeling like she would die because of the silence.

" Calm down your Majesty."

"How do you expect me to calm down, I'll be calm once I'm dead! And who the hell send all these troops?"

"One of our enemies, the letter had stated it." Upon hearing the Princess reply, she laughs bitterly- but almost like she was mocking.

" Pfft– what ridiculous!" 

"Your Majesty, we are–"

" I know, Princess. Stay down, I've think of something. "

She took a step closer to the window, observing the surrounding. She knows the whole palace, every hidden treasure, and even the thoughts of her servants. She scanned the surrounding to find the hidden symbol of the Royal family, an Emblem of the sun. Taking a binocular that happened to be placed close to her, she brought it to her eyes and search for the emblem on the walls. When she finally found it, she turned around and flip her bed to get a weapon, that could easily kill someone whether the range is close or far. Loading it with bullets, she carefully aimed it to the emblem. She observed as the bullets hit the wall with her binoculars and when she did not succeed, she repeat the same thing. A few minutes later, they heard a loud bang, the debris from the tower falling apart and groans of pain. It died down immediately after the explosion. The tower is full of bombs.

"Your Majesty!!" Zeke's wife look surprised, her eyes wide after observing her. " I didn't know you could do that."

" Does it ruin my image?"

"No, ofcourse not. You're highness is very good."

"Now, let's get out of here." Carla guided them out.


" You're injured. " Mikasa pointed out as they sat in a cave, both exhausted, they didn't bother to stood up again after entering the cave. " Does it hurt? "

" I'm fine. "

She stared at him with a sour expression. She knows that he is lying, nobody is fine when they got hurt that bad. The wound is still very much fresh, she could see the blood gushing out of his body. " Are you really .. I could do something? " She felt awkward. They never really had a proper conversation after the annulment of their engagement Three months ago and a lot has happened during those times.  Having remembered that, she also rembered the pain it had brought her , added by the pain that they chose to hide the struggle from her.

She pursed her lips together when he didn't answer her, feeling dejected and gloomy. "We just have to wait."

"Wait?" She repeated, disbelief present in her eyes as she look at him again. " I can't wait any longer when my people– I mean, when the people are dying. "

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