Ch 10

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After three days of staying in the hospital I'm finally released with of course strict instructions to take it easy and no binding. Currently I'm sitting in a wheelchair with a nurse standing nearby while I wait for Joshua to check me out. Letting out a sigh I anxiously run a hand through my dark hair and squirm in my seat it making me wince from the pain in my ribs. The nurse rolls her eyes at me looking annoyed. "Why some girl would purposely hurt herself to look like a boy just blows my mind." I immediately frown and speak up in a timid voice. "Excuse me but I'm not a girl." She raises an eyebrow at me. "Oh so you have male parts?" Knowing where she's going with this I lower my head and mumble out a "no." She just smirks at me. "Then your a girl. No matter how much you try and look like a boy you'll always be a girl." Flinching at her tone she leaves the room just as Joshua enters and I give him a pleading look. "Can we leave?" He gives me a confused look but nods. "Yeah Wonwoo is downstairs waiting." He then moves behind me and starts pushing me to the elevator talking to me on the way. "So we finally got you a room set up so you won't have to share. It was our managers old room then it was an old storage room but we cleaned it out and got the bed fixed up." I stay quiet my mind running through what the nurse said not noticing Joshua calling my name until he gently taps my shoulder making me jump and look up at him. He gives me a worried look. "We're at the car. Are you okay I was calling your name for awhile." I give a little nod telling him I'm fine and carefully stand up he giving me a cautious look before helping me into the car and then tells me he'll be right back then leaves to take the wheelchair back. I stare out the window when suddenly Wonwoo speaks up making me jump. "Your not okay." I give him a startled look and frown. "I'm fine." He raises an eyebrow at me that says he knows I'm lying. "Somethings bothering you. And you don't wanna tell Joshua." I sigh and run a hand through my hair before saying brokenly. "The nurse kept going on about how I'm a girl and that I'll always be a girl no matter what." He's quiet for a moment before saying softly. "Your always going to have people who don't approve of you or that will try and bring you down and get under your skin. But you'll always know the truth about yourself and no one can change or control who you are. That's your job." I blink away tears and sniffle a little before giving a small smile. "Thanks Wonwoo hyung." He shrugs then turns back around in his seat as Joshua comes back he getting in the passenger seat. We then head back to the dorm Joshua helping me out of the car before I walk in with him and Wonwoo looking confused when I see that it's dark. Just as we step in and I open my mouth to ask what's going on suddenly the lights come on and everyone jumps out yelling out the words "welcome home!" I jump slightly startled before I look around a little smile appearing on my face. "You guys didn't have to do this." They shrug S.coups giving a reassuring smile. "We thought you could use some cheerfulness. And we wanted to reassure you that we accept you and that your apart of us." I immediately feel touched and give a genuine smile. "Thank you." They all shrug Mingyu speaking up. "It was Hansol's idea. He got everything set up and put together." I turn my attention onto the said boy and see his face flush bright red. I grin and rush over to him gently tackling him into a hug. "Thanks." He gently hugs me back making me feel warm and safe we both immediately pulling away when we hear wolf whistles our faces bright red. Clearing my throat I rub the back of my neck. "Let's go ahead and get some cake." Everyone cheers and I chuckle then go to help Mingyu cut and plate the cake when suddenly Hoshi gently pushes me away after handing me a piece of cake. "You go sit down. We'll get everything else settled." I give an appreciative thank you before heading to the living room area with S.coups, Woozi, Minghao and Jun I looking around for a spot. Suddenly Minghao moves over and pats the spot beside him "you can come sit here." I give a shy smile thanking him and take a seat starting to take bites of my cake when I feel eyes on me. Looking up I see everyone staring and immediately give a confused anxious look. "What?" Woozi speaks up sounding worried. "How are you feeling? Are you hurting?" I hum giving a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. A little sore but I'll take more pain meds soon." S.coups then speaks up a slight frown on his face. "How could you let it get so bad?" I immediately grimace. "I was embarrassed. I didn't want you guys knowing." They look a little hurt and I give a soft apology Jun saying with a frown. "Well you shouldn't have been hurting yourself when you knew it was dangerous." I give a little nod then shift a little looking around for Hansol when suddenly Minghao speaks up teasingly. "What are we not engaging enough? If your looking for Hansol he had to take a phone call." I immediately blush looking embarrassed. "Who said I was looking for Hansol?" They all raise an eyebrow at me looking amused. "Maybe because your all over him and extremely close and you can't stop staring it's like no one else exists. You better be glad he's just as clueless." I blush even more looking mortified. "Great I didn't know I was that obvious." They all give little amused chuckles before Minghao speaks up. "Hey you wanna go see your room?" I immediately perk up and nod he grinning then grabs my hand and helps me up before leading me upstairs. Once we reach the room it across from Hansol's I open the door and step in smiling when I see the comfy looking room. "Good no more sleeping on the couch." I then yawn rubbing my eyes and tell Minghao that I'm going to take a nap. He nods wishing me sweet dreams before leaving to give me privacy where I change then climb into bed sighing at the comfort and slowly fall asleep.

Not alone (a Vernon/Chwe Hansol x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now