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(Hansol's Pov)

Over the next few days I'm forced to be with the girl from the restaurant Areum. Currently we're at a fancy restaurant she going on and on about this new outfit she wants and how I should get it for her I just nodding my head in agreement bored out of my mind. I think back to Jayme and how he hasn't spoken to me at all. Instead he's been hanging around with Minghao and they've apparently gotten really close. Sighing I pick at the disgusting fancy food and give Areum a fake smile when she looks at me. Once she's finished and after insisting on dessert I'm given the bill and immediately wince at the price but reluctantly pay it. I then take her home having to convince her to walk since it's late and I don't want to bother one of the members to come pick us up. Once she's in her apartment I sigh and head home to the dorm quietly entering and  closing the door then turn and jump seeing an angry Joshua standing there. Swallowing I immediately know I'm probably going to be scolded. "Hi hyung." He gives me a dirty look before grabbing my arm and drags me to his room closing the door then turns to me angrily. "What is wrong with you? I thought you cared about Jayme and now all of a sudden your with this girl? If you were just wanting to play with his feelings then congratulations you did a good job and successfully hurt him." I flinch and say desperately. "I don't wanna hurt him. I'm only dating this girl so he won't get hurt or bullied." He immediately gives me a confused look and I sigh. "She found out Jayme was born a girl and is threatening to expose photos to the press and ruin his life." Joshua's expression immediately turns dark. "No one messes with my brother. I'll call management and have them help." I go to protest but he holds up a hand cutting me off and says firmly. "Just act natural and do what she says for now. I'll get with management." I give a little nod along with a "thanks hyung." He nods then tells me to head to bed. I nod and start to leave only for my phone to ding and I open it groaning when I see a text from Areum. "Great I have to take her shopping tomorrow." Joshua gives me a sympathetic look and I reluctantly text back an agreement before heading to bed.

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