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(Hansol's Pov)

I stand there watching as Jayme and Minghao are practically cuddling into each other a frown crossing my face. I guess the girl from the restaurant who's name I found out is Areum notices because she pouts and whines in an annoying tone. "Oppa I'm talking to you!" I look at her with a polite smile but say in a firm tone. "I'm sorry but I have to go." She huffs and as I start to walk away she speaks up in a sassy tone. "I don't think your going anywhere. Because if you do I'll report to the press about Joshua's so called brother." I freeze in my tracks and turn towards her. "What are you talking about?" She shrugs and smirks. "I'm talking about how Joshua's brother is actually a girl. And I have proof." She pulls her phone out and shows me a picture of Jayme's student ID from back before he was transitioned. I immediately frown feeling angry. "Where'd you get that?" She grins at me. "It's from the old school website in America." I take a deep breath before asking flatly. "What do you want?" She puts her phone away before saying seriously. "I want a relationship. And if you don't do exactly what I say then his little secret will be blasted all over the internet." I reluctantly agree and she grins skipping over and kisses my cheek making me feel sick. She then demands my phone and I type my number in. "Pleasure doing business with you. Expect to hear from me soon so we can plan a date. And don't tell anyone about this." I give a reluctant nod and watch her leave turning to see all the members staring at me and feel my heart ache when I don't see Jayme anywhere.

(Jayme's Pov)

After seeing her kiss Hansol's cheek I immediately feel my heart break. I quickly get up seeing the other members give me sympathetic looks and I make my way over to Joshua. "I'm not feeling to well. Can I go home?" He nods and asks their manager to take me home I staying silent the entire time. Once I reach the dorm I head up to my room and immediately call my mom. It takes a moment but she answers and I immediately hear my voice crack. "Mom are you and dad back home yet?" I can tell she immediately goes into protective mom mode her voice turning to concern. "We both have at least another week of meetings and then we'll be home. Why what happened?" I sniffle a tear falling down my cheek and I immediately launch into what happened with Hansol. Once I'm finished I can hear the sadness and sympathy in her voice. "Oh sweetie. I can request to go home early if you really wanna leave." Immediately feeling bad I quickly dismiss that idea. "No it's fine I'll wait for your meetings to be over. I can just hang out with the others instead." She asks me if I'm sure and I reassure her that it's fine and she says in a soft tone. "Get some rest sweetie and just know that if he really is with that girl that you'll find someone else who will shower you in love and treat you like you deserve." I smile a little thanking her then we hang up and I change into some pajamas before curling up in bed and start reading a book Joshua gave me until I end up falling asleep.

Not alone (a Vernon/Chwe Hansol x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now