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I had awoken for a while now, it's still dark and it's eerily quiet. I stare up at the ceiling blankly, the soft sound of the clock's arms fill the room. The ticking gets louder and louder and I sigh in irritation and frustration,

This is no good, I bury my head under the blanket, letting out a quiet scream. One's mind wonders a lot when bored and that's me. Douma's smile and gentle voice has been playing on my mind since, and I haven't been able to sleep,

Guilt and disgust mix together and I feel terrible, I hated that I was thinking so much about him, but it was soothing and comforting to do so, this is so wrong! I wish things were back to normal, me with the Demon Slayers, not trapped with Douma, then, I'd never had been thinking about him in the first place!

My mind ignores my common sense and decides it'd be a good time to think about, that time, that time when Douma had pinned me against the wall, biting me. I squeeze my eyes shut, what the fuck is wrong with my brain?! My brain has a brain of it's own, oh that's stupid... I open my eyes again, 

A new feeling sparks inside me, and I feel heat rush into my cheeks. Oh, seriously? I bite my lip hard, and I feel lowkey angry at myself. Why am I blushing? My blood runs cold and I stare at the ceiling, this couldn't be, by any chance, do I have feeling for Douma?

No, I can't, my mind is playing tricks on me, I try to reassure myself, but I know deep down, that's not true, do I really like him? The one who killed my sister and many other innocent humans? The one who has injured me, and trapped me? I shake my head, no, I can't like a demon like him, I won't,

I muffle my groans of frustration under the warm covers, what am I doing?


I awaken again, I see the colour of the sun in the sky, like it just rose. Oh, I guess I managed to sleep off. I sit up and stretch, getting off the bed. Oh wait, I'm not sore all over anymore. I head to a small door, at the left side of the room, slowly opening it. A tub of water sits there and a big ass shiny mirror hangs on the wall. Oh the bathroom, I realise,

I walk over to the mirror taking in my image. I'm not surprised to see myself in a mess, I've been stuck on the bed for a while and my hair is all tangled, my uniform is all wrinkled and I've got bags under my eyes from not sleeping,

"Damn." I whisper to myself, straightening out my hair with my hands,

I rub my palms on my face. I glance at the tub of water. I guess it wouldn't hurt to just splash a bit of water on my face, the water seems clean anyways. I cleanse my face, and I feel a bit refreshed. I question whether I should bathe or not and decide I should just skip, until Douma actually says so, because, even though I feel disgusting, this is his bathroom,

I step out of the bathroom to see the room now dark, I glance at the now drawn curtains and raise a curious brow. Is Douma here? My heart speeds up and I mentally scold my heart, for being so stupid. A light chuckle comes from the doors,

I see Douma's rainbow coloured eyes, glowing in the now dim room, crinkling in amusement,

"Missed me Shinobu-chan?" he teases and I scowl,

"No." I say, yeah right,

He appears behind me, his arms round my waist,

"You see, Shinobu-chan, Douma's very busy now- Now that Muzan has passed." he murmurs in my ear and my heart keeps on racing,

"Oh." my voice escapes, and disappointment was obvious in it, shit,

"Is Shinobu-chan, angry at me?" he whsipers,

"No, get off me." I raise my arms attempting to shove him lightly,

"Tch, tch, tch," Douma forcefully holds me, "But that's not what your body wants." he whines, and I heat up,

"Your heart, it's so loud, in this quiet room." he whispers, his hands slowly move up from my stomach towards my chest,

I stop his hand midway,

"No, Douma." I force it out, as I push his hand away,

What was he doing? He sighs, impatience clear in his tone,

"If it wasn't for your stubbornness, I would have shown you why I brought you here, but you're injured again, so you'll have to wait." he sighs,

What am I here for that I needed not to be injured? I thought confused,

"Did you want to bathe?" he asks, and I'm about to deny when he cuts me off,

"I'll send that little girl to replace the water for you," he says releasing his grip on me, "She seems to take a liking to you." he ponders as he walks towards the doors, and I feel a bit disappointed he couldn't stay longer,

"She's Aiko." I correct him, he turns to me,

"I only remember Shinobu-chan's name." he smiles, one of those smiles he always does, and I cringe,

He exits the room and I see his shadow slowly walk down the corridor, and I let out a heavy sigh, realising I hadn't been breathing. I fall onto the bed, looking at the floor, his voice rings in my head "If it wasn't for your stubbornness, I would have shown you why I brought you here, but you're injured again, so you'll have to wait" , what could it possibly be? My curious perks,

I am interrupted from my thoughts when a knock from the door comes. I look at the door and see a small frame standing behind the doors, oh, it's probably Aiko,

"Come in!" I say, and the doors slide open,

She holds two big buckets of water and I stand up alarmed,

"Did you carry this here by yourself?" I ask, and she nods,

"What?! Did you hurt yourself? How did you do it?" I look at her making sure she's still in one piece, and she lets out a small giggle,

"It wasn't hard at all, Shinobu." she laughs quietly, and I look at her questioningly,

She looks at the buckets, and her small hands grab the handles, and to my surprise she lifts them easily and walks over to the bathroom, placing them down. She looks at the tub for a moment and she glances at me,

"Do you need help." I ask worried, and she shakes her head, oh?

"When Douma constructed this temple, he built a drainage system in it so you don't need to worry." she explains cutely,

She rolls up the sleeves of her kimono, and reaches into the tub unplugging something, she wipes her hands on the kimono drying them and looks at me,

"Just wait a while and all the water would have disappeared!" she says,

She walks towards the doors and bows,

"Oh th-thank you." I say still slightly speechless, and she curtly nods before leaving,

What type of people live in this temple? I am puzzled as I enter the bathroom to do my business.



-oop, sorry for the late update! I hope it's ok :D

Tysm for reading DouShino!

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