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The old man, fortunately was right about going down this path and it's not long before I hear the sound of people, the smell of food cooking and hear the sound of farm animals, I speed up my pace as the noises get clearer and clearer. I start to break into a run when suddenly a small boy pops out of the bushes, squealing and laughing in a cute voice. He stops abrubtly looking at me in awe and his little jaw gapes,

"Hey, little.. Guy." I laugh at his still amazed face,

I hear more screamng and laughing from behind the bushes and two more little boys around his age pops out, one of them falling on the ground. Now I've got three pairs of eyes on me, and wasn't long before t started to get a little too awkward, so I decided to say something first,

"Hello, could you lead me to the village?",

The tallest boy out of the three clears his throat before replying,

"Yes, we can, but you have to promise you aren't going to scare away the fairies." he said his face genuinely full of concern,

"Oh, of course!" I say holding back the laugh that wanted to come out so bad,

The three looked at each other before coming to some sort of agreement and then they all smiled at me,

"Follow us." the smallest child said cutely,

I followed them down the path, and they were soon talking about the fairies and elves that lived in the forest, but I didn't pay much attention. I look off in the distance, not looking at anything in particular and my mind starts wandering off, and I think of Douma. A small ache pounds in my chest and I wonder if he's doing alright, he must feel betrayed. I push away the thoughts when the tallest boy turns to me,

"Miss, here we are." he says proudly and the other two nod in agreement,

"Thank you, I can't thank you guys enough." I say in the sweetest voice possible,

They are about to say something when a woman comes running in our direction with a frown on her face,

"How many times do I have to tell you boys not to go wandering out of the village!",

She turns to me with an apologetic look on her face,

"I'm sorry, these three can be a bit too much." she explains dragging the three of them,

"No, it's alright." I laugh,

"I haven't sen you around before, are you visiting or something?",

"Oh, I got lost while doing something, I can't explain everything, sorry.",

"It's okay, please stay at my place. Take it as a thanks for taking care f these three." she says softly hitting the tallest boy's head,

"Thank you very much, what's the name of this village by the way?",

"So you are that lost I see, it's Shikichi village." she says proudly, and I nod, I wanted to ask her where it was located but I stopped myself, she'd probably think I were stupid,

The woman was softly scolding at the three boys, so I zoned out looking around, the village looked busy, there were children running round, some people were farming over the hills there and the women were cooking. I smile to myself, it's been a while since I visited a village and I can't lie, it's beautiful. Surrounding the village are tall trees and the sun's rays shine on the small cottages. I notice the village is somewhere in the middle of a forest,

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the woman clears her throat and laughs awkwardly and I realize she was saying something to me,

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I smack my forehead, "What did you say?" I ask,

DouShino (continued,, it may go down again tho lol)Where stories live. Discover now