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Bold means thoughts

** + Italics means actions

" " means speaking


80% of the world was born with quirks, with 20% of the world being ordinary humans, unfortunately I am one of the 20%. However even though I am quirkless, I plan on becoming a hero, one way or another. I will be known as 'Izuku Midoriya, the hero that is stronger than All Might!'

**Knock knock knock**  "Izuku honey! you will be late for school!" Izuku hears his mom call out from the other side of his door. "I'll be right out mom! let me just grab my notes!" Izuku yells out before frantically grabbing his bag and putting his notes in and heading out to school.

My hero notes are very important if I plan on becoming a hero. I have carefully noted every weakness, strength, description, quirk, everything that I know about every hero I know. I have a lot of volumes and the only one that doesn't have a weakness noted in it is All Might.

Izuku Made it to school and it seemed like a normal day, he went to class, we bullied by the students, ignored by the teachers, and beaten down emotionally by his childhood "friend" Katsuki Bakugo. Though he learned new facts about some quirks so he decided to write those down before heading home. That is, until Bakugo and his group came to his desk.

"What is that Deku!? You think writing notes about quirks makes you a hero or something?!" Bakugo says harshly before grabbing the notebook and going through it. "HEY! give me that back Kacchan!" Izuku jumps up to take it back but is blasted back from Bakugos explosion.

"What the hell?! why do you have such detailed notes of me in this?! are you a fucking stalker or something?!" Bakugo uses his quirk to blow up the notebook and sends what's left out the window. "Wha- Why did you do that kacchan?!"

"If you want to be a stalker then don't think of doing it to me. But if you plan on becoming a hero I say give up! If you really want to become a hero, then why don't you just swan dive off the school and hope you get a quirk as good as mine in your next life!" Bakugo says before he coldly turns and leaves the class.

How can he say that?! If I actually did then would he even feel remorse?

Izuku leaves and finds what's left of the notebook.

Thankfully a good amount of pages are still intact, I can recover this and put it in a new notebook. But still, he didn't have to do that. He went too far this time, is it bad that I did think about jumping off the building? Yeah, it probably is, I shouldn't try such a thing. Just gotta keep a smile like All Might always does.

While thinking to himself Izuku gets ambushed by a sludge-like villain. The villain starts to suffocate him and Izuku starts struggling in vain as he can't get a grip on the villain.

I-Is this it?! Am I actually going to die here?! Well hopefully Kacchan is happy with it, i-if I can't smile then I hope he could...

As Izuku is blacking out, he notices a familiar figure appear and run towards the villain. However he passes out before he can see what happened next.

A few minutes later Izuku wakes up to the man he has always admired standing before him. Izuku looks in disbelief thinking this is just a dream. he pinches himself just to make sure and finds out that this is real. He springs up and looks at All Might adoringly.

"Are you the REAL All Might?! I'm your biggest fan! can you sign my book for me!" Izuku opens his book and notices that it is already signed, "WOAH! you work fast. Um, can I ask you a question, i-if you don't mind?" Izuku asks shyly.

"Go ahead kid, but make it quick, I need to take this guy to the police!" All Might Exclaimed in his normal noble voice. "W-well, Is it possible for someone that is quirkless to become a hero?" Izuku asked knowing the answer but still denying it.

All Might looks down at Izuku, pats his head and says in a serious voice "There are thousands of villains in japan alone, one stronger than the previous. They grow stronger each and every day, we heroes can't afford having handicaps like having no quirks. I'm sorry kid but no, you have no shot at being a hero if you have no quirk." And with that All Might leaves with the sludge villain.

Izuku just stood there, eyes wide with tears starting to flow. "heh.. heh heh.." Izuku begins to laugh while it begins to rain.


With tears running down his face the broken Izuku started walking back to his school, He went in and broke onto the roof and stood over the ledge and said, "I'm sorry mom, but this is for the best... Kacchan. I hope you're happy with this, I hope my being gone will make you the best hero ever." And with that, Izuku jumped.



Hey, It's been awhile. I hope I still have people interested in my stories. Nevermind that, I hope you all enjoyed the prologue. this will be one of the darker stories I will do and this is my first time attempting one. So please let me know if there is anything I can improve. But I wanted to try a villain Deku story, and I hope you all enjoy it!

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