Chapter 3: Stay Away

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"Wait, that looks like you." Ochaco says with slightly confused. She looks over at Izuku and looks back at the memorial before her eyes widen. "I-is this memorial supposed to be for you?" He looks over at her with a blank expression but she can see the pain in his eyes. "I think it is best that you stay away from me, it would be the smart thing to do." Izuku then turns to leave and when Ochaco turns to him and protest, he is nowhere to be found.

Who are you?

After asking herself that she turns and reads the name on the memorial. It reads "Izuku (Deku) Midoriya"

Deku huh? I guess I will use that for now.

Izukus POV

Izuku walks into his bar hide out and sees Shigaraki sitting at the bar and Kuroguri behind the counter, he sits down and looks at the TV that is sitting to Shigarakis left. "I finished the test, but how do you suppose I avoid detection? The heroes at UA aren't stupid and Kacchan was there too." After Izuku finishes what he was saying the TV flickers on and All for One is seen.

"Do not worry, I don't expect you to pass the exam. You do not have a quirk so that will put you at a disadvantage and UA is full of cold hearted 'heroes' if they deserve to be called that. No, you gave me access to a very good informant. That girl that followed you, Befriend her at all costs." After he finishes Izuku stands up in protest. "Why the hell do I have to befriend her? What's the poi-!" Izuku stops speaking, looks down and says, "Ok, I will befriend her." He then starts heading to his room. "That's good, I will speak to you all again soon" All for One says before the TV flickers off and Kuroguri looks at a seemingly angry Shigaraki.

"Do you need anything Tomura?" He asks, already knowing the answer. "If I can't kill that brat then no, there is nothing I need or want." He says before putting the hand back on his face and starts walking back to his room.

2 Weeks later

"Sir Izuku! I have mail for you from UA." Kuroguri yells from down the hall, using his warp gate to teleport the mail into Izukus room. "Thanks, and please just call me Deku. I have asked many times." Izuku says before picking up the letter.

Why am I nervous? I already know the result. Maybe part of me still wants to be a hero? No, heroes have failed me, I would never want to be a hero.

Izuku opens the letter and out comes a round hologram device. then a hologram appears and Izuku gets filled with anger with who appears on the hologram screen. "I AM HERE! ON A HOLOGRAM! Now I am sure you are wondering 'All Might! Why are you here on this hologram?' Well young man! It's cause I am a new teacher at UA! and as the new teacher I am required to tell you that, unfortunately, you did not pass the exam and will not be entering UA. I'm so-" All Mights announcement was cut off by Izuku grabbing the device and throwing it through the nearest wall.

Ochacos POV a few hours later

I-I made it into UA! I did it! If my parents weren't away at work I would be jumping into their arms right now! I hope Deku made it in.

after finishing that thought Ochaco heard a knock at her front door. "C-coming!" she yells while getting out of bed and rushing to the door in just a tank top and her shorts. She opens the door and sees a familiar pair of dark green eyes with dark circles around them.

"Deku? how did you know where I lived?" She asked before realizing she accidentally said his name. He looks at her in surprise "How did you know my name?" She panics before saying "I-I guess we both have secrets! come on in, it must be cold outside!" She laughs nervously before letting him in and shutting the door behind him.

"Your place looks nicer than mine, lucky you." Izuku says while looking around, he turns and sees Ochaco with a confused look on her face. "Nicer? How bad is you living condition if this is nice?" She asks and he just shrugs and goes to sit down on the couch.

Is he just gonna ignore the question? I suppose he isn't comfortable telling me his conditions. Wait, why is he here anyway?

"So, I never actually got your name. You already know mine so it seems proper for me to know yours" Izuku said while putting his hand out for a shake. Ochaco grabbed his hand and shook it "I am Ochaco Uraraka, glad we will be students together!" After she said that she notices Izukus face look down in disappointment. "Actually, I wasn't accepted. But it's cool, maybe I can hear a bunch of cool stories from you." Izuku said forcing a smile to try to convince her to spill secrets later.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I will tell you as many stories as you want if it helps you feel better."

How didn't he get in? He was easily the most talented person in our group.

The two began talking and making acquaintance. Eventually Izuku left and Ochaco went back to her room.

He is such a sweet boy. I hope he will come over more often. Oh well, I should focus on school next month!

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