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                      Liana's pov

Welcome back to Seabrook!It feels great to be back

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Welcome back to Seabrook!
It feels great to be back. I missed everyone so much but less about me more about what's about to happen.

"Hi we're Liana and Addison." Addison said. "And as cheer captain it's my duty to support seabrook." She added "but this is personal, we're going to mountain college and we really want Zed and Wyatt to come" I said with a smile

"And we really need Zed to win tonight's game and join us." Addison added "So let's cheer our team to victory!" I added as i raised my hands in the air and the music started.

As everyone danced and did the routine. The football team cheered and wooed. Clapping their hand yelling go Seabrook. Until it was over. Everyone was smiling and happy.
Addison,Me,Bree and Bonzo went over to Zed and coach.

"Hi" he said smiling at Addison and I stared in awe. "You guys, tonight is our last chance to cheer at a seabrook football game." Bree said as Bonzo placed his arm on her shoulders.

As he said something in zombie. "I know. I wish we could be cheerleaders forever too." Bree said as her smile started to fade a bit, Until she gasped.

"Maybe we should flunk science so high school never ends" she said as the aceys looked confused and um'd.

"Maybe not" I said as I chuckled making the others laugh a bit too. "Nah, we just have to much chemistry" Bree said as she looked up at Bonzo with a big smile as they hugged.

"We are so gonna win tonight!" Coach said exited with a big smile as zed nodded. "And when we do-" Zed started "we'll be together forever." Addison finished. "Awe aren't you two the cutest" I joked making a cute face as the others laughed.

"When I say Sea, you say Brook" Zed said as he said Sea and the others said Brook loudly. They did that for a couple of times until they broke out laughing.

"I'm gonna go I'll see you guys later alright?" I told them as I smiled at my sister who nodded and I turned to the others with a smile before leavening.

"Hey there wolf-boy and wolf-girl" I said as i walked over and got in the middle of the two wolves. I placed my arms around their shoulders as they chuckled. " hey Lia" willa said with a smile "Hey there, Angel." Wyatt said smiling as I placed a kiss on his cheek. When I did Willa chuckled making us look at her as she raised her hands in defense.

The three of us continued to walk.
As we walked a meteor came exploding in the sky, but just as it exploded Wyatt's and Willa's moonstone turned to a glowing red color as the three of us stopped.

"Our moonstones are acting weird Wyatt. Something big is happening" willa said as she let go of her necklace as we looked up at the sky and another meteor exploded.

"Yeah something big is happening. Biggest football game in the universe" Wyatt said as he turned to the two girls holding up a seabrook sign with a big smile. Me and willa just chuckled.

"Ah not really." started "just the biggest in SeaBrook" willa finished as she smiled. Until someone tried to face paint her as she growled at the girl with her claws out. "Come on. You know how important a win is for all of us monsters" Wyatt said as willa took away her claws and turned to him before turning to me and giving me a look as I spoke.

"You know he's right. Seabrook needs you, Cheerwolf" I said with a big smile as willa turned to look at the both of us a few times before speaking.

"You want a werewolf leader to rally a football team?" She asked still smiling. "Come on" Wyatt said smiling while lifting up the seabrook sign again and looking between me and Willa before keeping eye contact with Me for a while. Willa sighed as she looked at the girl with the paint brush next to her.

Sorry about this short chapter but didn't want to have 2 songs in one chapter....... Hope y'all liked it and I'll see y'all in the next chapter kinda lol😂

Word count: 729

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