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                            Liana's pov

                            Liana's pov

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"Hey Addie I'm ready to go...." I said as I walked into her room sadly with my bag.

"Yeah almost. It's just this is the hardest decision I've ever made." She said sadly as she looked at me "it is for me too addie but we have to do what's right" I told her as she took my hand and smiled lightly.

"Addison, Liana there's something I have to share with you two." Mom said as she and dad walked inside Addie's room.

"I should've done this years ago" mom said as we looked at her confused. "I just wish I was a strong as you" mom said smiling as she took her wig of to reveal her white hair.

"You're beautiful mom" Addie said as we all smiled and mom hugged us trying not to cry.

"And I don't care what planet you're from. You're my family" dad said as mom side hugged him.

"No,no you can't leave. I can't lose my two daughters." Dad said as we chuckled "I'll mobilize the whole z-patrol to stop you. Please it's-" dad added as I tried holding in a few tears

"We're sorry dad. But this is what we were meant to do." I said as they both nodded and the four of us hugged.

"I'm gonna miss you" I added as Addie chuckled and we al let go from the hug. "We gotta go now Lia." Addison said as i nodded and we left the room and went to where we were supposed to meet the aliens.

Wyatt's pov

"They're saying the alien ship is damaged" I said as I walked over to willa and Wynter.

"It might not survive a launch" I added as they looked at me "it's not totally our fault." Wynter said a bit sadly.

"We just wanted to stop them from leaving" she added as she looked away. "Well, serves them right for lying to us" willa said a bit annoyed

"We also lied when we first came to SeaBrook looking for the moonstone." I told her as she answered "don't you get it? They're stealing from us. They're taking Liana and Addison." Willa said growing more annoyed

"They're choosing to go with them to save their people." I told her as she glared at me "well, I don't want them to leave..... especially not Liana." Willa told me sadly as I looked down. "I don't want her to leave either. It will kill me when she leaves but I can't do anything about it" I told them as they looked down before looking at me again.

"And no matter how far away they go. They'll always be apart of our pack, Willa" I added as she looked away and sighed.

Liana's pov.

"With the reactor damaged, there is a 67,9% chance that we will not have enough energy to leave orbit." A-li told us as A-lan cut in "we must try! The longer we wait the worse our odds" he said as we nodded "okay" Addison said as the cheerleaders came.

"Think of me when you use them. They're supposed to shake, not me" Bree told Addison as she walked up to us.

"Oh, I'll miss you bestie" Addison said as the two best friends hugged.

"Oh, I'll miss you extra-terestie" Bree added as they stopped hugging and she chuckled.

"We are the mighty shrimp. Couldn't be prouder. " Addison and me started cheering as the others finished."And if you can't hear us we'll cheer little louder."

"I don't wanna leave, but the aliens need to find their home" Addison told zed sadly as he walked up to her.
"Yeah, I know.. which is why I'm coming with you!" He said happily as he held the bag that was on his back.

"What?" Addison said happily as I sighed knowing he couldn't come "it is impossible, Zed." A-lan told him as their smiles faded.

"Only our species is capable of space travel on the mothership." A-spen added "you'd be fried by our stardust energy in a minute" A-li added as i started tuning out what they said.

All I can think about is Wyatt. I can't lose him. I'd die inside and I-I don't know what to do anymore

"Bonzo, you got your license!! Show off!" Bree said as I started listening again and saw more cheerleaders and the wolves arrive.

"My rage will not be contained" A-Li said marching down to the wolves.
"You will not stop us from getting to utopia!" She added as Wynter gave her a 'are you serious?' Look

"We're actually here to help" Wyatt said as I smiled. "You can find an infinite power source to recharge our ship?" A-li asked as willa said "wolves" and they turned their heads to the moonstone. "We'll let you borrow the moonstone." Willa added smiling as the others smiled too.

"Thought you might need a jump-start" Wynter said tilting her head. "The moonstone is powerful but it is harmful to our people" A-lan told them as the Eliza robot came "not if you have an adapter"  Eliza said as I walked over "we just have to filter the moonstone power trough their z-bands" I added as I looked at the screen and Eliza nodded with a big smile. When I turned to look at the wolves I caught eyes with Wyatt who was smiling like an idiot making me blush.

"You all would sacrifice to help us?"  A-spen asked as i nodded smiling "wolves always have each other's back, and Liana and Addison are apart of our pack" Willa said as she looked at Addison behind me then me with a big smile. "Forever" Willa added as i smiled even more. About to cry even as Wyatt turned to me with a sweet smile and an 'alway and forever' look on his face.

Everyone was running around the ship fixing and connecting the moonstone and all that.

I stood next to Wyatt, Bonzo, the moonstone and the Eliza robot. As I watched the zombie and wolf connect it all together. When it starter sparking when it stopped Wyatt smirked "I told you, wolf tech doesn't play nice" he said pointing to me making me chuckle.

"Then we're gonna need and organic conduit between the moonstone and the Mothership." Eliza told us as we nodded.

"Only our people can connect to the ships stardust reactor" A-lan told us as he held some kind of stick walking to us. "But unfortunately the moonstone's power is lethal to us. But you two being half human might just work. You'll be a living bridge" he added as he handed the stick to us for one of us to take.

"Addison and Liana can do it" Willa said as A-spen cut in "yes, they're aliens." " and cheerleaders" Bree added " and a part of our pack" Wyatt added as we both smiled. " I'll do it" Addison said as I looked at her.

"What no?" I said "Lia I love you but I'm not letting you do it! I don't want to argue about it" she said as I sighed and nodded "you were born for this" Zed told her making her smile and nod.

"Ready?" I asked as she took one of them and nodded before taking the other one letting the electricity go through her. Everyone covered their faces as Wyatt shielded me with his body since I stood close to him. We watched everything turn blue until Addison dropped it.

"Take my hand! The power can flow through me too" I said as I walked over to her taking one of the stick and holding out my hand as I looked at her with a smile before looking over at Wyatt who nodded. "Ready?" She said making me nod as she took my hand and the electricity flowed through us.

Everything hurt and I wanted to fall down but I didn't I stood there holding her hand for a few more seconds before the ship re powered.

We let go of the sticks as we hugged and gasped in relief.

"We did it" I said

That's it for this long chapter next chapter tomorrow when I wake up cuz I gotta sleep so love y'all and good night❤️ also next one will make you cry. Just a warning lol

Word count: 1406

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