Chapter three- Hi, we're One Direction

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All I remember was mumbling a "fuck" as soon as something knocked the wind out of me, causing me to fall on the ground, hitting my head on the hard floor in the process, and being left unconciess.

As soon as the cruel world blacked out, one of me usual memory like dreams, came flooding in. It always started out with me with my dad and my mom, before they had gotten a divorce. We were near the lake we would always visit, to see the beautiful white swans and get away from life for just a little. I was a happy three year old without a care in the world, running in the wind as my dirty blonde hair whipped back and forth and my bright green eyes sparkled with happiness, something they haven't done for a while. I heard my mother screaming from a distance, and my big smile soon faltered. I turned around to see my mother and father in a heated argument, getting in each others faces. I ran over to my mom tugging on her dress beggIng her to stop yelling. She turned around witha crazed look in her eyes and smacked me across the face. That was when the abusing started. After she hit me, my father screamed at her an threatened to take me away from her, so they ended up taking it to court. My mother put on the best performance of her life pretending she did no such thing in smakin her beloved child, and since my father had no proof that she did abuse me, my mom won the case, having custody over me. My dream continued with my mom telling me she loved me, then beating the crap out of me right after. Every kick, punch, smack felt so real in these dreams. My dream always stopped when I was in this random dark room after I would get beaten, and would turn the lights on. The scene would flood away abruptly as it came. I heard light talking above me as someone or something began shaking me to get a response. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to find out what just happened as I saw five guys hover over me with worried faces. I touched my head, shaking it but stopping because a heavy shot of pain flooded it giving me a headache. I groaned and the faces looked more concerned. 'Umm...' I said trailing off awkwardly trying to find out why five attractive guys were looking at me like I had three heads. "Are you okay"? The guy with

really short hair and big brown eyes asked me. "what happened"? I asked as I started to sit up. I felt something trickling down my nose and wiped at the area. A nosebleed just started.

'Fucking fabulous' I thought as I started to stand to get tissues. A dark haired boy with hazel

eyes just grabbed a box of tissues from the rack next to him and handed it over to me. I

grabbed it and started dabbing away as another boy from the group with blue eyes and blue

hair making him look younger than he probably was, explained what just happened. " well

you see, Niall here" he said as he pointed to the blond one with blue eyes, " was hungry so

we came to the nearest store and had to run away from the fans, you know how they can crowd and just pop out of no where", he said as he started to chuckle to himself. "Are you getting to the point yet" I asked a bit rude. I didn't have time for hot guys to distract me from my grocery shopping because he won't be getting the beating for it, I will. "sorry yeah, so anyways we were running in the store and Niall got his food and me and Harry over here", he said as he pointed to the curly haired boy with piercing green eyes,"found a football and we were throwing it around and Harry threw it too far so I ran really fast, not looking where I was going, and accidentally bumped into you, I'm so sorry. " he said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Its fine really. How long was I out for? I asked looking around for a clock. "umm I don't maybe like an hour" the blonde one simply stated. I sharply turned my head in his direction. "AN HOUR"?! I screamed. They were all taken back from my sudden outburst. "yeah why"? Curly haired boy asked. I started to freak out. "Oh my gosh I have to go now", I said as a started to run towards the exit sign. "WAIT WHAT ABOUT YOUR STUFF "? One of them yelled in the distance. "SCREW IT" I yelled back. I heard them chuckle and one of them asked for my name.' Flirty whores' I thought "MAYBE I WOULD'VE GIVEN IT TO YOU IF YOU DIDN'T KNOCK ME UNCONCIOUS" I yelled back smirking. I came out from the store with no groceries, recovering from being unconscious and a bloody nose with once again NO GROCERIES, the reason I went there. All I know is that when I get home it'll be my ass thats going to be kicked. Well, It was nice knowing me.

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