Locked in (Part Two)

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I made sure everything was packed, enough crap that I needed to hold me at least for a week.  Clothes, water, food, a map, hygiene and feminine products(if you smell what I'm shitting here) my phone and charger (if i have anywhere to charge it), and money I've been saving for a long time, from my past job that i had about a year ago,  Let's just say it wasn't a typical job for an 18 year old back then, but it payed well.  I'm not complaining.  I had about 3,000 dollars in my wallet.  That should get me through about a couple of weeks, but just to make sure I had enough money to survive on before I find a permanent place to stay, I looked through one of my drawers to find any jewlery i could sell, and I did.  They were two pairs of earrings, one gold and one silver.  The gold pair of earrings were made up of 100k of gold, and the silver pair were 100% pure silver.

 I remember my mother giving these to me when I was 4 years old.  Before, you know, she went crazy and beat me all the time.  I know most of you don't think I actually remember this because of how young I was, but that's just the complete opposite.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Literally.  

It was my 4th birthday, and all my friends were coming over to celebrate with me.  It was the best day ever for a 4 year old.  There was a bouncy house, an ice cream bar, a clown, a pinata, and not to mention a big ass cake for me and all my twenty friends.  It was after singing happy birthday and eating the best chocolate cake ever, where I started to open my gifts, and my mom presented these to me.


I picked up a small, red, wrapped box with black polka dots on it with a white card attached,  Me, doing what any other 4 year old would have done, put the card aside and ripped apart the wrapping paper on the box.  It showed a small white box that I opened ever so gently.  The white box show cased two pair of earrings, one gold and one silver.  I gasped at how beautiful they were.  Even as a 4 year old, I knew that they were valuable just by looking at them.  I opened the card that I had set aside and read who it was from.  It was from my mommy.  The bottom of the card read,

"To my precious baby girl,

          I know you're too young to appreciate the value of this gift, but I want to give it to you so you can always remember me.  Whenever you wear one of these earrings, I hope you think of me.  I love you so much and I hope you have the best birthday ever!  You deserve everything on this earth.  


                         Mommy Xoxo

It was a bit difficult to read the card, considering I was so young, but I managed to read it and make sense of what my mother was saying.  

I looked up at my mom to see her smiling.  This was a true smile of happiness.  I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug that I could.  She carried me in her arms and it felt like we were the only two people at my party.  "It was your grandmother's.  She gave it to me when I was about your age so I could always remember her by them, and now I want to give them to you, so you can always remember me by them", my mother whispered into my ear.  "Keep them safe, keep them near, and whenever you miss me, I'll be here" She said pointing to my heart.  I looked at her with a big, goofy, grin on my face.  One thing for sure that I knew that day was, I loved my mommy, and no one can break the bond that we have.


I started to feel water trickling down my cheeks.  I was crying the whole time.  Actually, I was sobbing.  My body was shaking with sadness, and all I could do was think back to that time, the good days when everything was spot on perfect.  I wiped my tears away as I started to control my breathing again.  I took a deep breath and stood up, placing the earrings back in its small white box and into my duffel bag.  Half of me didn't want to sell the earrings because it was the only thing that I had that reminded me of my life before all of this happened, but the other half of me wanted it to sell it, getting rid of it because it reminds me too much of my mother, and I sure as hell don't want to remember her.  Right now this side was winning.  

I sighed, and rubbed my eyes.  This shouldn't even be an option of keeping them, my mom caused me too much pain already, and having them with me is only going to make the pain worse.  "Looks like you're going to be sold little buddies", I said as I turned towards my duffel bag and put it next to the window.  

Well, I can officially say that my mom's dead to me.

'No trace of her will ever be with me, not like I want there to be any ways', I thought as I started to grab a chair that was next to my desk. ' All the memories that were good or bad, gone'.  I started to lift the chair and push it against the old, rusty shutters, trying to be as quiet as I can.  It was good that my window was horrible and didn't have a glass part of the damn window or else this would have been a hell of a lot harder.  I put more pressure on the chair, pushing my whole body on the chair to make the shutters pop off so I could escape.  I heard the shutters squeak a bit and kept on pushing as hard as I could.  I started to feel the shutters slowly move outwards, popping off any second.  

"Yes", I whispered.  I gave the chair one last hard nudge and I saw the shutters fall down, me almost falling out with them.  I grabbed my bag and started to make my way out the window until I heard the lock unlocking on my door.

Someone was trying to open the door, with me half in and half out of my window from escaping.

"Crap", I swore.  I knew if I was caught in this act I had it coming for me, But my body was too scared to move, I was a deer in headlights ready to soon be hit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOOTTEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HEY MY FEW BEAUTIFUL READER THAT READS THIS BOOK, OUT THERE!!!!!! Sooo *insert happy face* I UPDATED NOT ONE BUT COUNTEM', TWO TIMES TODAY!  Pftt shows where my social life is:(( lol jk I dont have one, But anyways, I want to thank everyone who has been reading this book and been waiting for it to update, because lets be honest here, if it was me, I think I would've stopped waiting and moved onto something else by now because I suck at updating and focusing in general.  And this isn't just like a paragraph I wrote in a short amount of time, me and my bestie basically skyped on the computer for five hours straight and got this shit done.  That, my friend, is true dedication:))  Well, i hoped you guys liked these two chapters today and enjoy the next couple of ones that I'm going to be writing and updating, hopefully this week if I can!

Oh and go read my bestie's stories! 

Her username is : WeAreInfinite_        and she has two stories out, "Speak Now", a One Direction fanfiction, and, "So Wrong It's Right", an Emblem 3 and All Time Low fanfiction

The picture on the right is (dur) One Direction being all beautiful and sexay, and the video under that picture is a song that I felt suit this chapter really freaking on point that it's kinda creepy.  It's called My Skin by Natalie Merchant.

Thank you guys for the reads, and btw, you guys broke 100 reads! PARRTAAY FOR USS! LOL I know it's not a lot but it's a start!  And I truly appreciate every read *kissy faccee* muah!



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