Understanding the facts

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Harry Potter was one angry teen. He was angry with himself for his lack of anticipation that something bad would happen, to him, on Halloween, yet again. What made that worse this time, was that there wasn't any known warnings of danger coming to Hogwarts, nor any threats towards Harry before reaching the school, and that made him gullible enough to believe that, for once, he could have a normal year. Harry was an unwilling selection as the fourth champion for the Triwizard Tournament, thus giving Hogwarts two champions. Cedric Diggory was the other Hogwarts champion, a sixth year Hufflepuff, who also served as the Hufflepuff Quidditch seeker and captain. Viktor Krum was selected as the Durmstrang champion, and the Beauxbatons champion was Fleur Delacour. Harry knew that once his name emerged from that wretched goblet of fire, somebody was attempting to kill him, yet again.

The Hufflepuffs were outraged, which Harry understood because they believed Harry was trying overshadow one of their high profile members, and Cedric had called Harry a liar, and an attention seeker who just had to let his ego get to him. The Ravenclaws believed that Harry found a way to cheat the age-line, despite Fred and George's inevitable failed attempt with the use of aging potions, and the Ravenclaws (or at least a huge portion of them) called Harry a cheat.

Cho Chang, a pretty asian fifth year Ravenclaw, had even sneered at him for his apparent attempt for more fame (and for, in her mind, trying to overshadow her boyfriend), and proceeded to give him the middle finger. Consequently, Harry's crush on Cho immediately went up in smoke. The Slytherins, too, were outraged, which wasn't a surprise to Harry. The Slytherins believed that the 'Gryffindor Golden Boy' had to have all the fame and glory, and had also labelled him as 'the teacher's pet.' This was becoming something of a repeat of second year, where Harry was falsely accused of being the Heir of Slytherin.

The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students were furious because of Hogwarts getting two champions, while they only had one champion each, again understandable. Harry even gave the magical and life oath that he didn't enter, but Ludo Bagman, one of the judges, said that he had to compete, due to some stupid magical binding contract. Harry even asked about unwilling competitors being pulled out, forseeably to no avail. Viktor glared at Harry before leaving the antechamber behind the staff table in the Great Hall, and Fleur had even labelled Harry a 'little boy.' But, the behaviour that they believed him. Professor McGonagall also assured that she believed Harry, as did Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, and surprisingly, even Professor Snape believed Harry, but Dumbledore didn't say anything. Hagrid also believed Harry, as did Sirius Black, his godfather, and Professor Lupin (the latter two wrote to Harry and told him so in their letters).

However, Ginny Weasley expressed her anger, and belief that Harry cheated. Like Cho, Ginny even sneered at Harry, and gave him the middle finger as well. Again, no surprise, because she only 'liked' Harry for The-Boy-Who-Lived, rather than Harry as a person. Ginny even turned around to grab a book and hurl it at Harry, but Harry cast a sticking charm on her hand, to make sure she wouldn't be able to throw it. That made her realize too late that she couldn't throw it, and upon realizing that, Ginny tried shaking the book off, to no avail, then she stomped upstairs to the girls dormitory. Ron came down and also expressed his anger, as well as his belief of Harry cheating, again, no surprise, and demanded Harry to tell him how he did it. When Harry stated that he didn't, Ron called him a liar and punched Harry in the chest.

In retaliation, Harry cast a flatulence charm, making Ron fart as he stomped upstairs to the boys dormitory.

But what shocked, and hurt, Harry the most was Hermione's reaction. She, too, believed that Harry wanted more fame and glory, for the 'sake of his ego.' When Harry tried reassuring that it was another attempt on his life, Hermione stomped toward Harry and smacked him, hard, across the face, assuming that would 'teach him a lesson.' Harry retaliated by casting a sticking charm on Hermione's left foot as soon as she started walking up the stairs to the girls dormitory. Upon realizing that Harry did that, Hermione demanded that he cancel the charm, but he just cast the sticking charm again, this time on Hermione's right foot. Then he walked up to the boys dormitory. But Ron locked the door and proceeded to beat Harry up, only to find himself in a full body-bind. Then, Harry pushed Ron under his bed, unlocked the door, and proceeded to change into his pajamas and got into his bed, casting sticking charms on the curtains and silence wards around his bed. Then Harry cried himself to sleep, as it hurt too much with Hermione turning her back on Harry. He had thought about asking her to be his girlfriend sometime this year, but that went up in smoke. One afternoon a couple days later, Harry came across something, very disturbing. He stumbled upon an unused classroom and heard four, all-too-familiar voices, so he went to hide himself near the classroom entrance.

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