hunting for evidence

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The next day was Sunday, and today was a day to visit Hogsmeade. After dinner the night before, Harry plucked up the courage and asked Tori if she wanted to go on a date with him. Tori grudgingly (but politely) refused, having been forced to go with Draco to 'get ready to be the next Lady Malfoy.' She did assure Harry that she had a plan to get out of it, but she had to spend part of that time with Draco first before it could be pulled off. Harry told Tori that he'd wait for her by the Three Broomsticks pub.

Once breakfast was over, the third year and above students who had permission started making a beeline for Hogsmeade Village. Draco was being aware of his surroundings to make sure nobody (Potter especially) would come anywhere near 'his girl.' At the same time, Ginny was looking for Harry, so he could be 'prepared to marry her in the future.' Of course, Harry knew a whole number of shortcuts, especially with having the marauders map with him. Harry was especially making sure he stayed away from his former best friends and fangirl by keeping a close eye on their names on the map.

Draco and Tori made it to the Hogsmeade chain of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, which also served hot chocolate. Once they found seats, Draco 'instructed' Tori to purchase two goblets of hot chocolate. Tori reluctantly complied, but she was angry at the same time because she was forced to do so. Draco insisted that she buy, even though when a guy and a girl go on a date, the guy generally deals with the buying. Draco went to go tell Flint and Pansy (who were waiting outside) that 'his girl' was finally coming to terms with her role. Tori took the opportunity to pour some type of cream into Draco's goblet of hot chocolate. A few minutes later, Draco came back and was relieved that Tori 'remembered' that he liked cream in his hot chocolate.

"So, Astoria," said Draco with overconfidence. "I've got a number of ideas for our wedding, the day after my eighteenth birthday, that is. Father will be so proud of me, don't you agree."

"Uh huh," said Tori in a neutral tone. "He most certainly will."

"Excellent," said Draco. "One idea is to go to Italy for our honeymoon. It's been one of my favourite destinations for years."

Tori groaned inwardly, she didn't care much for Italy, especially Rome. She remembered visiting Rome with her family once when she was seven and she was so fascinated with the famous landmarks that she didn't realize that she was accidentally left behind, due to being so distracted. They were visiting the Colosseum when she got lost and it frightened her to the point where she just ran and found the nearest hiding spot. It was then, she remembered when she started crying for her mum and dad. The longer she waited, the more scared she got and it was approximately an hour later when her mother finally found her. She had been so worried that she hugged her youngest daughter when she found her. Moments later, Tori saw her father and Daphne show up, equally worried. Tori had been so engrossed with the memory that she didn't notice Draco blabbering on with his plans and he irritably snapped his fingers in her face.

"Hey," said Draco in an agitated voice. "Pay attention!"

"Sorry." said Tori as she snapped back to reality, sounding anything but.

"Now, let's go over this again," insisted Draco. "Our first stop for our honeymoon is Italy, and you'll be thrilled to go to the Leaning Tower of Pisa."

"Why Italy?" asked Tori.

"Because I said so," said Draco. "Now, don't ask any more questions until I finish up, is that...?"

Draco felt his insidesact up, resulting in him tensing up. Then his eyes widenedin utter shock when he felt his bowelslose control.

"J-Ju-Just think over that and d-don't move!" said Draco desperately.

He got up and made a desperate beeline for the loo, much to the amusement of the other students, especially Tori (who blew a sigh of relief as soon as Draco barged into the restroom). She got up, paid for her hot chocolate and left, heading straight for the Three Broomsticks (knowing Harry was waiting close by). Upon spotting Tori, Harry smiled as she approached him.

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