Snape's Dream

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Professor Dumbledore was back in his office, paste-white with fright. His deputy head had just given him a really harsh arse-ripping for leaving Harry with those 'wretched' muggles, according to Minerva. Then Amelia also gave him one before leaving to go back to the Ministry (she was also outraged that the supposedly greatest wizard of all time would leave a then-infant Harry with those horrible people). Ginny was trembling in fear because both her dad and Amelia agreed that (as a suitable punishment) she was going to have to perform manual labor at Bones Manor once the summer holidays started. Ginny would have to help Amelia and Susan's house elf out with the chores (without using any magic at all), with Amelia warning her that any more problems with Susan and the punishment would get worse.

Ginny tried pleading with her dad, but it fell on deaf ears because he wasn't very happy with his daughter. Ron and Hermione were still terrified because of the dragon roaring at them (as well as at Ginny and Dumbledore). Draco was having a hard time walking because the pain on his rear would return (he had been given corporal punishment from his father for having sacrificed the marriage contract with Astoria to Harry). While Ron was conflicted over his thoughts with watching Harry's memories, Hermione flat-out refused to believe them because Professor Dumbledore 'always knows best,' and would always be 'assured' that Harry staying with the Dursleys was good for him.

Meanwhile, Harry, Neville, Tori, Daphne, Tracey and Cynthia were outside the main entrance. They were having a nice conversation, talking about interests and other prank ideas.

'I do have an idea for pranking my so-called relatives,' thought Harry. 'They won't even expect it.' "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" yelled the irritable voice of Hermione.

Tori glared at the bushy haired girl while Daphne cracked her knuckles threateningly. Tracey and Cynthia were standing behind their respective best friends while Neville back away some. He could tell that Hermione was going to cause a whole load of trouble, something that Harry didn't want.

"What is it, Granger?" asked Harry with contempt in his voice.

"It's Hermione," snapped the angry bushy haired girl. "Now you have sixty seconds to explain what all just happened during the first task."

"No need for it," said Harry. "My memories showed all and told all."

"Bullshit," Hermione snapped again. "Didn't Dumbledore remind you that you're safe with your relatives?"

"Well I guess he didn't do that great a job now, did he!" said Harry defiantly. "I don't belong with the Dursleys, now walk away before you make the situation worse."

"You're letting these snakes corrupt you, Harry," Hermione claimed. "Now, Ginny is expecting you to kiss her on the lips and you will see fit to do so."

"I would," said Harry sarcastically, then continued in a normal tone. "Except for one teensie, weensie problem."

"And what kind of problem would that be?" asked Hermione irritably.

"Ginevra has a crush on Malfoy," said Harry. "She even admitted it, otherwise she wouldn't have chased Draco around the Slytherin table the other day."

"She wouldn't do something like that on her own free will!" said Hermione, outraged. "Well, she did, bookworm," said Tori. "Everybody in the Great Hall saw it."

"I didn't ask you slut." snapped Hermione, then she turned back to Harry, "Now you'd better follow me to Dumbledore's office."

"I'll pass, but thanks for the invite to dummy land." said Harry defiantly.

"I'm not gonna tell you again, Harry," Hermione assumed. "Now come along to Dumbledore's office, so he can help you out to differentiate between fantasy and reality."

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