Good Karma and Bad Karma

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Harry went back to the Room of Requirement, so he could plan for phase 2 of his pranks, that would happen at dinner time. Harry thanked the house elves in helping him out. Then he handed Dobby a list for phase 2 of the pranks, making him smile more. Meanwhile, in an unused classroom, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were still bright-pink due to the embarrassment, with Dumbledore providing comfort.

"H-How d-did that happen?" asked Ginny.

"I have no clue," said Hermione. "Whoever did this, why would they include us?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," said Ron. "It could be any number of reasons this person came up with." "Do you think the prankster was trying to humiliate me in front of my Harry?" asked Ginny.

"It's possible," said Professor Dumbledore. "Why he or she would do so, remains a mystery."

Down in the dungeons of Slytherin, Draco, Pansy and Flint were sitting in the common room, trying to forget about what happened at breakfast.

"I can't believe this," Draco ranted. "Why would Astoria laugh at me? She's supposed to be preparing for her future role as Lady Malfoy!"

"Potter is trying to corrupt her," declared Pansy. "To make sure she doesn't get to be Lady Malfoy." "Yeah," agreed Flint. "He's being a bad influence on Astoria."

The three Slytherins began planning on getting back at Potter (as they believe he may have been responsible), but neither of the three Slytherins were aware that this was only resulting in them earning even more bad karma.

Cho and her friends were still embarrassed by the prank pulled on them. They didn't think they'd done anything to get what happened to them, but at the same time, they were wondering if maybe, Luna might've had something to do with it.

Cedric, Fleur and Viktor were also wondering what happened. They didn't think they did anything wrong, to get pranked. Something didn't add up, nobody cast a spell to make all the dancing happen, as well as turning the light off to get everything ready, and then the light turning back on.

(Line break)

It was nearing lunchtime, so Harry began walking to the Great Hall. Dobby told him about half an hour ago that he and the other house elves were still working on the second phase of the pranks. Harry assured Dobby that it would be worth it, and told him that taking the time was better than rushing through it. Not long after Harry sat down at his usual spot, Tori strolled by and sat across from him.

"Hi Harry!" greeted Tori cheerfully.

"Hi Tori," said Harry, who couldn't help but grin. "I didn't expect you to sit here at the Gryffindor table!"

"I thought I'd return the favour," said Tori, smiling at Harry. "Since you sat at the Slytherin table for breakfast the other day!"

What neither Harry, nor Tori realized was that, when Draco walked into the Great Hall (with Pansy, and Flint), he spotted Tori sitting at the Gryffindor table, talking to Potter. This made Draco even more angry and jealous.

"Potter is at it again," said Draco, seething in anger. "Corrupting my girl into staying away from me. How dare Astoria sit with the lions, especially with Potter. I thought I made it clear to Potter the other day that Astoria is my girl!"

"Don't worry, Draco," said Pansy, patting his back comfortingly. "We'll be having a talk with her after dinner." "She'll be sorry to ignore you," assured Flint. "The lions are beginning to corrupt her, too, not just Potter."

They reluctantly let it pass, but Draco especially was going to make sure that neither Harry, nor Tori would be so lucky the next time. A minute or so later, Ron, Hermione and Ginny entered the Great and, upon spotting Tori sitting across from Harry, they were furious. Ginny couldn't believe that Harry would ignore her completely, while Ron was mad to see a Slytherin at the Gryffindor table.

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