Lending a helping hand

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When Harry and his housemates made it back to Gryffindor Tower, neither Ron, Hermione nor Ginny were seen anywhere, not even in the dormitories. Harry came to the conclusion that they were still too humiliated. Then, he turned to Fred, George and Lee.

"Hey, do you have any potions that changes hair colour?" he asked. "Of course, Harry." said Fred (or George).

"What colour would you like?" asked George (or Fred). "Do you have any black ones?" asked Harry.

"We do," said Fred (or George).

"But they haven't been tested yet." said George (or Fred). "If you'd like, I can help test it!" said Harry enthusiastically.

"The more help, the better!" said Fred and George ecstatically. "Is this another prank opportunity?" asked Lee.

"Yes," said Harry with a smug grin. "It'll show up around breakfast time tomorrow!" "Alright," said Fred and George in unison. "We'll get you a vial."

So they went up to the sixth year boys dormitory, with Harry waiting outside by the door. Fifteen seconds later, they grabbed a couple vials of the hair colour changing potions and handed them to Harry.

"Just in case!" said the twins. "Okay, thanks a bunch." said Harry. "Anytime!" said the twins.

"Good luck, Harry." said Lee.

So Harry walked toward the fourth year boys dormitory, changed into his pajamas, climbed into his four corner post bed, then he charmed the curtains closed to where only he could open them, cast some privacy wards and called for Dobby and Winky.

"Master Harry calls for us!" said the house elves when they appeared with a pop.

Harry gave a vial of the hair colour changing potion to Winky, with specified instructions on what to do with it. Then Harry gave Dobby some specified instructions on the prank he had in mind for Ron. The house elves were excited about the pranks they were instructed to pull. They vanished back to the Room of Requirement, with Harry cancelling the privacy wards, but he kept the charm keeping his curtains closed in effect. A minute or so later, he heard the voices of three of his least favourite people enter the dormitory. Ron, Hermione and Ginny walked into the seemingly empty dormitory, unaware that Harry was in his bed, and he was proceeding to eavesdrop in on Ron, Hermione and Ginny's plan. The three backstabbers believed that Harry kept his curtains closed all the time, regardless if he was there or not.

"Well, I've got the Amortentia," said Ginny. "Imust be the first to approach Harry, that way I can give him some pumpkin juice laced with the potion and then i will come and get you once thats done."

 "Sounds like a plan, Ginny," said Ron. "He won't even suspect a thing."

"Hopefully there won't be anymore pranks," said Hermione. "I can't believe I was forced to dance with Flint!"

"Not to mention that I had to dance with Parkinson," said Ron with contempt in his voice. "Whoever did that tried to make a mockery out of us!"

"Especially with me being forced to dance with Malfoy," grumbled Ginny. "If the prankster is trying to make it seem like Malfoy and I are destined for each other, he or she ended up getting the wrong idea. Everybody knows Harry and I are meant for each other."

"We'll get this resolved, Ginny," assured Hermione. "If Harry is defiant again, we'll tell Professor Dumbledore, and maybe he can talk some sense into Harry."

Hermione and Ginny left for the girls dormitory to get ready for bed. Once they left, Ron changed into his pajamas and climbed into his four corner post bed. Neville, Seamus and Dean eventually came in to go to sleep. Harry also drifted off to sleep, with his dreams filled with a certain Slytherin girl named Astoria Greengrass. Her bright-green eyes and blonde hair, as well as her bubbly personality was what Harry loved to see, and he was smiling while dreaming about Tori. Likewise, Tori also had her dreams filled with a certain Gryffindor named Harry Potter.

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