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a/n- Should I do a Q&A?

TW: ANGST (a little bit)

~2 days later~

I was buttoning up my dress, when Niki knocked on the bathroom door. I finish buttoning up my dress, and I open the door. (This is the first dress/outfit)

"Y/n! I have great news, Phil is sitting up now, and is talking!" She exclaims smiling brightly. 

"I'll be down there in a minute, I need to finish getting ready." I say smiling. She nods, and closes the door behind her. I put on my necklace, and my shoes, before grabbing my pen. As me and Niki walk down the hallway fast, I click my pen, tuning it into my staff. When we reach King Philza's room, Tommy and Wilbur are crying, saying how worried they were. Niki opens the door, and we go in. 

"Y/n!" Tommy yells. He runs up to me, and hugs me tightly. "Thank you, for healing him!" 

"Tommy, let them go. They need to breathe." King Philza says rolling his eyes. Tommy lets go, and sits down next to his brother again.

"Your majesty." I say curtseying.

"You don't have to curtsey." He said smiling. "I want to thank you for healing me." 

"Of course, I love helping people." I say returning the smile. 

~1 hour later~

I finally finished healing Philza for the day, when I felt dizzy. Niki was beside me, so I instantly grabbed her hand.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly. 

"Why is the room spinning?" Was all I said before I passed out.

Niki pov,

"Why is the room spinning?" Y/n asked before collapsing. I luckily caught her in my arms, before she hit the floor.

"Y/n?!" I yelled.

"Shit." Phil said before getting up.

"Dad! Sit down, you need rest. We can handle this." Tommy said making his dad sit down.

"Niki, take her to your room. I'll have some maids down there in a minute." Wilbur said worriedly.

I nodded, and picked her up. I rushed down to my room in fear. I know she would be okay, but it still worried me. I made sure she didn't over work herself, so what happened? I put her in bed, and took of her shoes. I wanted to change her clothes so she was comfortable, but I also didn't want to make her uncomfortable. So I had a maid get her changed. I gave the maid some shorts, and a hoodie of mine. The maids help treat her.

"She should wake up soon." One said with a kind smile. I nodded, and she left. I sat on the window seat, waiting for her to wake up. I couldn't help but think bad things. What if she doesn't wake up? What if I never get to tell her about my feelings for her? What if I never get to call her mine? I tried to shake the thoughts away, but they kept on coming back. I tried to stay awake, but I couldn't the upsetting thoughts put me to sleep.

I woke up as the sun shined directly on my face. Where am I? I opened my eyes, and saw that I was in bed.

"Y/n?!" I call out worried. No response. All of her stuff is gone. I quickly get out of bed, and run to the bathroom. Not here. I run down to Ranboo and Tubbo's room. I knock, and ask if she's there when the open the door. They shake their head 'no'. Not here. I run down to Philza's room, and knock. Wilbur opens the door.

"Is Y/n here?!" I ask in a rushed tone. I was out of breath.

"No, why?" Wilbur asks confused.

"I can't find her!" I exclaim.

"Dad, I'll be back soon." He says before running down to Tubbo and Ranboo's room.

"We need your help." Wilbur says hurriedly. They nod, say goodbye to Michael, and we leave. We run all of the castle, and find nothing.

"Where is she?!" I shout.

"There's no way she would've left..I told her we would help!" Ranboo exclaims frustrated.

I could feel tears start to prick my eyes. I felt one fall, as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

~End of dream~

I wake up sitting up immediately gasping for air. Was it a dream? I look over at my bed, and I saw Y/n still laying there. I sighed in relief, and looked outside. It appeard to be noon. How long have I been asleep? I got up, and went to my bathroom. I turned on the water, and started to fill my bathtub. I left the bathroom, to grab new clothes, and a towel. I went back into the bathroom, and poured some solution in the water, for a bubble bath. When it was filled with enough water, I got undressed, and slipped into the tub. I sighed, and relaxed. Y/n wasn't awake yet. Everything was quiet. I almost asleep, but I all sleepiness left, when I heard a blood curdling scream. Y/n. I quickly get out of my bath, and slip on my clothes as fast as I could, and ran over to her. She was gasping for air, and on the floor, on her knees. I ran over to her, and put a hand on her back.

"Y/n! It's alright!" I say grabbing her hands. I pull her in for a hug, as she sobs.

"Niki..." She mutters. It was about 10 minutes after she woke up.


"I love you.."

"I love you too..."

"It was only a matter of time.."


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