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~3 months later~

I had finally gathered enough supplies and made a home in the side of a mountain. I even convinced Puffy to come with me on an adventure, and to live with me. It was currently around 3 in the morning, and I was farming. Specifically carrots. Me and Puffy planned on going on an adventure today. We would be exploring the ocean. Puffy told me about all of her old adventures when she would sail though the seas looking for treasure, and crew for her ship. She found her treasure, just no people for her crew. She always expressed how thankful she was that I was her friend. She always asked why I was running away from home. I never told her until yesterday night.


"You always avoid my question.." Puffy starts. "Why did you run away from home?"

Y/n sighs, "I um..I killed the Nether king. He was my ex, and he started to tear apart my kingdom. I knew people would be after me...so I left home. I left the person I truly loved. And I still do..but I couldn't let them get hurt, just because of me." They say quietly.

"Y/n.." Puffy pulled them in for a hug, and Y/n cried quietly.

~End of flashback~

I sighed as I planted the last carrot. I leaned on the cold stone, as I wiped my sweat away. I wouldn't have been as sweaty as I was, if I was outside. But me and Puffy live in a mountain, so no one knows where we are, so it was very stuffy. It should've been colder but it wasn't. I walked over to the staircase leading upstairs, and opened a chest on the left. I placed my hoe in it, closed the chest, and sat on it. My wings were slightly drooping from exhaustion, plus I haven't used them in around a month. I haven't had time to use them. We were getting short on supplies so I spent my time mining, and farming.

"Y/n?" I heard a soft voice question. Then a hand touched my shoulder.

"Puffy? Why are you up?" I ask turning my head towards her.

"I woke up because we're leaving in an hour.." She says rubbing her eyes. "Why are you up. You look like hell."

"Couldn't sleep." I mumble.

"C'mon. Let's get packed. There's a bedroom on the ship, where you can sleep." She says holding a hand out for me. I grabbed her hand, and stood up. "I'll get food, you pack weapons and other supplies we might need." I nodded, and went upstairs. I was starting to get dizzy. Why did we make the staircase a spiral staircase? When I finally reached the top, I stopped for a second and made sure I wasn't dizzy. Once I wasn't, I started walking to the storage room. I grabbed 3 bags, and filled one with tools, like swords, shovels, pickaxe's, and axes. The next bag I put a few trading materials in. Emeralds, iron, clay, and more. The next bag I put some of Puffy's clothes in. Then I was finally done. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned my head, and saw Puffy leaning against the wall.

"When we get back, we need to fix that staircase." She says sighing.


~3 hours later~

I wiped my mouth, and sat down with my back against the railing of the ship. Puffy was steering the ship through crazy waves, and I was straight up not having a good time. I had puked for the 5th time withing 2 hours.

"Don't worry! Well be out of the crazy waves in no time!" Puffy says reassuringly.


I decided to go into the office on the ship. The ship had a bedroom, with 2 sets of bunk-beds. Then on the very end, there was an office. Puffy said that she hasn't been in there for a while. I wondered if there was anything in there from her past self. I walked in, and saw a very basic office. There was a desk in the middle of the room, and a chair behind it. There was a chest covered in cobwebs in the corner, so I took out my sword, and tore away at the webs. I put my sword back, and kneeled down infront of the chest. I opened it, and looked inside. It had a journal along with a few maps. I grabbed the maps, and looked at them. 2 had red X's marked on them. One of the X's had a black checkmark on it, and the other didn't. The other maps were empty. I set them aside, and pulled out the journal. It looked like it was about to bust open it was so full. I took the string off of the button, and opened the journal. Stuff started to fall out. I luckily grabbed it all, and set it in the chest. I opened to a random page, and read it.

Day 326,

Still haven't found Y/n..I don't know if she'll even remember me. The last time she saw me, I was a boy. I'm never going to stop looking for them. I can't wait to see them again. They won't remember me at first. I know they won't. But when I tell them I was their brother, now their sister, I think they'll know. She'll still accept me for being trans right? Oh who am I kidding? She'll love me no matter what. She always has, so why would that change? Anyways, I need to continue on my journey. Till later.

I felt my eyes watering. Puffy is my sister? She's trans? I put everything back in the chest besides the red X map, and the journal. I closed the chest, and went back to our room. I sat down on my bed, and started to read through more of her journal.

I left. I can't belive I left! Why did u leave her? I left her all alone. She'll never forgive me. I know she won't. Her screams are haunting me. I can't stop hearing them. I found shelter in a village far away from home. Luckily some kind villagers welcomed me in their home. I asked them if they could help me with surgeries, and helping with my appearance, so I would look more like a girl. They said yes! I'm excited to finally be who I am. But it's without Y/n..and it hurts...

I flipped the page, but before I could read it, the book was snatched out of my hands.

"You shouldn't have read that..." Puffy said quietly. Her eyes were glossy.


"You weren't supposed to know.." She was about to leave when I ran to hug her.

"Please don't go..please don't leave again.."

She stopped. She stopped being tense, she stopped breathing, everything stopped. Then she hugged me. So tight. She cried. I cried.

"I love you..big sis.."


For those of you who may be confused, Puffy is trans. She was a boy, and is now a girl, so Male to Female. I had the biggest idea one day while looking for food, to do this, so I did.

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