Chapter 5 idk what i should call this-

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Shotos pov
I open my eyes to be sat in what looks like a bar wich I'm guessing is the lovs base."Hello Endeavours masterpiece!"Dabi said a dull teasing way. What do you want from me? It's clear you don't have my brother.Oh but I do... He walks over to the counter and grabs a bottle of water and some concealer? I'll be right back.....He walks to what I'm guessing is Another room.While I wait I look around,its quite a dull base if you ask me.The door swings open to reveal...

Still shotos pov
T-Touya...?Hey sho-Shoto runs up to dabi and hugs him crying.I-I thought you were dead...Eh I survived(In this Au dabi trained by himself to try and make himself good enough for Endeavour but he got burns all over his body,When he realised he didn't care about anyone but shotos quirk He ran away everybody thought he ran away and then died)So your a villian...?Yep I thought if Endeavour wanted his sons to become hero's I'd do the opposite and defeat him. Shotos eyes widens slightly.C-Can I become a villian?

Dabis pov
C-Can I become a villian? You stare
at him confused.Trying to prosses what he just said.You want to be a villian?But your one of the best in UA!After a moment, todoroki replys
After what you said about becoming a villian,I realised I was giving dad what he wanted.The perfect hero son.Plus i never wanted to be a hero.I always thought the hero system was corrupt,And that they all did it for fame and money.I chuckle And smirk.Welcome to the league of villians!

Heyy,I hope ur enjoying the book! Thought I'd mention That your villian costume looks like! It can pretty much be whatever you want it to be! But make sure it has a mask, And some type of hood so your identity is  a secret.Also for the sake of the plot,Toga has a mask also,And a hood that hides her identity,Idk bro just roll with it💀

-Author chan♥︎

Your pov
You and himiko watch as dabi and shoto go back to the league,Alright let's search for some "hero's" "Alright" Toga responds arm still hurting.We start walking down hallways and hero's appear.Neito monoma,Quirk copy,he can copy sombodys quirk after touching them!.I grip my knife(the pink and black one toga gave me)She does the same.He runs up to us with  fighting stance and both me and Himiko dodge,But he quickly turns and attempts to punch toga,I grip her hand and teleport to where dabi was,Damnit now we have to walk back,I look over at toga and see her smiling but clearly in pain from the burns.I grip her hand tightly and we walk back to where monoma was.

After fighting with hero's (Ik I'm lazy I just can't right fighting scenes ok-)

Your pov
I gasp for air and grip onto my knife and throw a other knife at izuku,He Doges but as soon as he does both me and himiko throw a knife at him.It pierces his arm  but he caches the other and drops it (with his non bleeding arm)kicking it away from us.He gets back into a fighting stance and toga lunges at him with a straw And attempts to drink his blood.He quickly puts his hand in a type of rip of spider man stance and flicks towards himiko,I notice he is about to use airforce  (I know just go with it ) and quickly slice my arm and drink some of my blood,Grab himiko,still trying to drink dekus blood and telport her away,Izuku Uses airforce on a random wall collapsing it,he  winces from the loss of blood. And me and toga smirk.I fidle  around with my blood storage and hand toga a small bottle of a random person's blood that I use as a checkpoint.Here it will help you get strength!She accepts it and drinks it behind her mask like a shot smiling.A Gate opens behind us and we both fall through.Byeeee izukuuuu~ himiko sings.

That's the end of this chapter! I hope you like the storyline so far,Idk how I'm going to end it yet so stay tuned!
Word count-789 words! Eh I think it's ok but all the other fanfics that i read allways have a work count of like 1745 and I'm all like what-💀Yeah...Idk how many parts is going to be in this,But I'm guessing around 20 or 15.Anyway see you in the next chapter! Bai!

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