48: Shits Going Down

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Flickering his eyes open, the first thing Xiao Zhan noticed was the vacant space on the bed beside him.

He hopped up, getting into a crouching position as he browsed the room, not finding the familiar sight of his husband. "Wang Yibo?" He clamored, skepticism in his voice before his gaze staved off to the food loafing on the little table beside the bed, a note attached. He instantly picked it up, reading its content, his eyes widening with each word.

"That piece of shit!"

He trashed the note on the floor and got on his feet, not minding his lack of proper clothing as he dashed out of the room, colliding with Liam at the door.

"Where's that bastard, did he leave without telling me?" He required.

"I-i-I..." The young girl sputtered, caught off guard but Xiao Zhan hissed and hiked past her in rapid steps, he sprinted down the treads, ignoring his barefoot.

"Xiao Zhan, you are not properly dressed!" Liam shrieked as she chased after the young master.

Xiao Zhan ran out of the house, unexpectedly clashing with a chest at the entrance. Xiao Zhan gasped as he stumbled but a pair of arms circled his waist and pulled him back in, he found himself pressed against a hard chest. Xiao Zhan felt his heart gallop when a hand stroked his hair and that familiar voice resounded over his head. "Where are you going in a hurry, love?"

Xiao Zhan looked up, instantly locking with those caliginous eyes that he fell in love with. He shoved Wang Yibo back and beat his chest. "Your note said you left for the airport, I was planning on beating the shit out of you!" He huffed and bridged his arms over his chest.

A grin materialized on Wang Yibo's lips as he surveyed the other person over. "Dressed like that?"

Finally, Xiao Zhan looked down at his outfit and his mouth fell open as he realized he was wearing nothing but a white sleeves shirt that fell to his mid-thigh, exposing the rest of his long legs. He poked his inner cheek and peered back at a smirking Wang Yibo. "What's with that look on your face, it's not like you haven't seen everything,"

Wang Yibo stepped closer, holding his hands behind him as he leaned down and whispered in a profound and intense tone. "That's the trouble, love. I don't want others seeing what's mine,"

Xiao Zhan felt his heart race, faint blushing smooching his cheeks as he finally noticed the bodyguards spread around the corners of the house. He shyly tucked a strain of hair behind his ear, suddenly feeling unconscious. "I was in a hurry,"

Wang Yibo chuckled, brushing his finger at the bridge of Xiao Zhan's nose before covering his exposed collar bones and cupping his face. "You look so adorable when you blush like that,"

"Shut up, it was your fault!" Xiao Zhan murmured, the blush on his cheeks increasingly when Wang Yibo's lips pressed against his forehead.

"I wasn't going to leave without a kiss, you got paranoid over a little note, you shouldn't stress yourself out, you are going to hurt our baby,"

In an instant, the blush on Xiao Zhan's cheeks vanished, followed by the unusual shyness as his arms went around Wang Yibo's neck. "Will you miss me?"

"Every damn day,"

"And what will you do if you miss me?"

Wang Yibo shrugged. "Nothing much, just have to endure it till I come back home, to you"

"You better not look at anyone while you're there, I'm going to pluck your eyes out!"

"How will I be able to look at your pretty face then?" Wang Yibo sported a pout.

Xiao Zhan. "That won't be a problem if you don't look at anyone!"

"But I'm a man, I have eyes, won't that be unfair to me?"

Xiao Zhan glared, groping Wang Yibo's hair and getting it a forceful yank.  "I'll make you regret it"

Wang Yibo's hand immediately went to grab Xiao Zhan's wrist, pulling it away from his hair. "Your grip's getting stronger, and so are your mood swings. Is it because you're pregnant?"

Xiao Zhan huffed. "I've always been strong, I can take you out anytime,"

A guard intruded on the couple. "Boss, your flight leaves in an hour," he announced and stepped back.

Xiao Zhan pouted. "What am I going do while you're gone, my world revolves around you now, it would be so boring not seeing your handsome face every day,"

"You have your friends and family and I will call you every day so you won't miss me so much,"

Xiao Zhan beamed. "Promise?"

Wang Yibo leaned in to peck those tempting lips. "I promise,"


As soon as Wang Yibo was gone, Xiao Zhan went to his parents' restaurant, Zanjin as his escort.

"Mom, Dad, Cynna!" He squealed as he hugged his family. "I've missed you guys so much,"

Cynna scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you, only a few months of being married, you've completely forgotten about us, about me!"

"Oh, my little sweet baby sister!" Xiao Zhan playfully pinched his younger sister on the cheeks. "Of course I missed you but I have a big baby to take care of now and every soon, you are going to meet your niece or nephew,"

Mrs. Xiao smiled. "How are you Xiao Zhan and the baby?"

"We are fine mother, Zanjin and I will be helping, do you need help with anything,"  Xiao Zhan said excitedly.

"You shouldn't stress yourself, dear, you just got out of the hospital,"

He pouted. "Come on, Mom. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about and I won't stress myself out, I'm just going to help you with cooking,"

"Ah!" Zanjin and Cynna exclaimed and Xiao Zhan sharply reeled to them with a glare.

"What's so funny, my cooking skills aren't that bad, I'm actually good with the knife!"

Mrs. Xiao chuckled. "I raised you, Xiao Zhan, no one knows you better than I do and I don't want you to burn down my kitchen, thank you for the help honey"

"Mommm!!?" Xiao Zhan whined, following his mother to the kitchen.


Waiting for his flight to be called, Wang Yibo heard the ringing sound of his phone and pulled it out from his pocket, hissing at the caller before answering it as he brought it to his ear.

"What, I've been gone for only 30 minutes and you guys have fucked up already, can't I trust you bloody people with anything!" He snapped into the phone.

"It's about Xiao Zhan boss!"

"What about Xiao Zhan, I thought I fucking told you to watch him?" Wang Yibo stood up.

"His parent's restaurant was bombed and he was inside..."

To be continued...!


What happened?


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