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i now sit in the kitchen with susannah and laurel as they talk about some things. im not really listening though, not wanting to be rude and listen to something i shouldn't be listening to.

"lorelai, where's dean?" susannah asked me, handing me a cup of lemonade and a plate with a sandwich on it.

"at work." i answered, placing down my phone and biting into my sandwich.

"i never thought our boy would be working." laurel said, her and susannah beginning to laugh.

"he actually works at my dads old surfing business." i cut into their laughing.

they stopped, unsure if they should be laughing or not.

"how've you been, sweetheart? im sorry i haven't called." laurel frowned, grabbing both of my arms.

i shrugged, not really sure how i should answer, "it's been hard but i'm healing. slowly. but look at this." i lifted up my leg, showing my scar, "doesn't it look better?"

the two look at each other and smile, nodding their heads.

"it's been getting better everyday," susannah tells laurel.

i glanced down at my scar, reliving the moment in my head. i shift uncomfortably in my seat as i remember the shark biting into my skin.

"anyway, how's your mom?" laurel breaks my thoughts.

thank you.

"she's okay, i guess. she's not home right now. she's on a business trip in hawaii." i tell her.

"wow, for how long?" she asked.

"for the whole summer, until school starts again."

"wait, you're home alone. just you and dean?" susannah asked, sounding worried.

i nod, taking another bite out of my sandwich, "it sucks but we can deal with it."

"no, no, no." susannah shook her head, "you two are staying here."

"susannah, i can't ask you to do that for us."

"you two are like my children. besides, i finally got the boys to help me finish painting your room." she grinned.

my smile widened and i ran upstairs, opening the last door on the left, right next to jeremiah's.

it was like i ran into heaven. the room was beautiful. it was painted a light yellow and the furniture was all white. there were photos on the walls of the boys and me and belly and a spot for my surfboard and all my trophies.

that's why jere was constantly at my house. he was secretly stealing my things. that boy is something.


i lay in my bed, scrolling through instagram, bored out of my mind. i've been in my room since i found out jeremiah asked belly to go surfing which was a first.

belly never and i mean never surfs.

at least not with me.

i was a bit hurt not going to lie. surfing was mine and jeres thing, not a belly and jeremiah thing.

'you at the fishers?'


'yeah, come over. i have news to tell'

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