• don't play pacman kids •

284 9 4

Me and Jeff had caught up with BEN along with Toby, coming to a door BEN explained that we were the ghosts in the game. So we have to kill the pacman atleast three times.

BEN went to open the black door and it looked like a Lazer tag room. Lights on the ceilings but otherwise everything was pitch black. Once we entered I was the pink Ghost, Jeff was blue, Toby was red and BEN the yellow one. "Let's get this fucker" Toby whispered while taking off running around the corner.

Splitting up I had made it to the center, where there was a screen detecting where everyone was along with the Pacman. Toby was rounding it towards BEN with Jeff around the corner incase it got away.

Soon the pacman lost a life and started back in the corner, but then it ate one of those blue dots and the screen went black. Shit. I guess we're the prey now.

Looking behind me I could see it coming straight towards me *not nom* lol

I stood in shock waiting to what was to come when I felt a blue object crash onto me pushing to the next hallway. Jeff picked me up bridal stile (bro ofc bridal style that's like the signature shit for this) and looking up to him was actually kinda cute if he was dead pool but yk. Omg y/n stfu.

What he is.


well we are going to be too

Just stop.

Fine asswhole.

Jeff was looking straight for exits and soon the lights flickered. Did someone get eaten?! What happened?

Jeff set me down and walked away. Motioning me to follow him. While walking around I could here Toby's insane laughter growing louder and louder along with his boots stomping against the floor. "C'mere big boy!!" Toby yelled.

Jumping out of the way I saw the Pacman go right in between me and Jeff with Toby not following far behind. Toby took off running towards it, I decided to run the opposite way hoping to catch it off guard. Standing in the middle of the hallway it came towards me, then turned around just to be faced with Toby. His mouth guard was down, I could see his scar showing the inside of his mouth. He was smiling, almost like Jeff. It sent Chills down my back.

I kept on taking steps closer and closer towards not noticing the laughter escaping my mouth, and soon ran up and jumped on it. Soon the pacman pixelated and we all regrouped in the center. This is the round where things get switched, we are the prey now and have to collect all the coins.

After separating Jeff followed behind me. Running into coins on the way.

I soon heard an all to familiar sound behind me and Jeff, the pacman stayed in place making eye contact with us. We were at the end of the hallway and our only choice was to turn left, and I took that chance and left running.

Shoes/boots/sandals thumping against the floor as I ran with my h/c hair flowing behind me.

Jeff's POV

Me and y/n were running from the yellow bitch.

Her body moving like mine.

I loved seeing her filled with fear.

But then we soon came to the end of the hallway. We were trapped.

Your POV

Me and Jeff were now trapped at the end of the hallway, Jeff was now behind me grabbing my shoulders tightly with his rough hands.

Holding me in place.

The creature only got closer and closer.

Stalking it's prey.

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