isle eight

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Y/N AND SHINSOU HAD THE DAY OFF. the two decided to hang out at the young woman's apartment, watching movies until dawn. l/n lazily scrolled on her phone, checking her messages, her feed, and lastly her email. the same as usual.

coupons, sale announcements, food promotions, and other junk. one of them caught her eye though. it was an email from hawks assistant, leo. the header read, important, regarding a possible job.

a job..? where ? back with hawks ? shinsou tapped on the girls shoulder, snapping her back into reality. "this is the best part, look.." he pointed at the tv, a scene of some boring movie playing. hitoshi always had a unique taste for films..then again, he was a unique guy.

the purple haired male caught her frown. "hey, something wrong..? talk to me.." he lowered the volume on the television, turning to face his co-worker with concern etched on his face. y/n turned to look at him, flushed slightly as she found his concern cute. "don't worry, it's nothing" she smiled back at him, "thank's for worrying about me, babes."

— 🛒 —

the night was still young, and the two adults weren't close to tired yet. they bickered back and forth, asking each other the usual questions and such, "would you still love me if i was a worm ?" it was weird to their friends, really. usually they never dealt with any kind of tension, even though they were both stressed, single adults, with no relationships whatsoever. of course they would go clubing every once in a while, doing god knows what with handsome and pretty strangers.

but tonight was different. something about the atmosphere was so different. as they both laid on their backs on the ground, covered in blankets from head to toe, y/n turned to her side to face her partner in crime.

"hey, shinsou ?" he quickly turned to look at her, meeting her lovely eyes with his tired ones. "yeah, y/n ?" she blushed at the use of her name coming from him, he had called her by her first name on several occasions, but it stroke her this time.

she swallowed the lump in her throat. "have you ever been interested in me..?"

maybe it was really late. maybe she had too much to drink. maybe she was crazy or something, which wouldn't come as a surprise to her.

the sleep deprived man blushed, the red hue faint on his face, "yes, actually.." she smiled slightly, "what ? when ?"

he chuckled nervously, "i don't know..right now..yesterday, always, probably. since i set my eyes on you at u.a.." he confessed.

yeah, it was definitely the alcohol kicking in.

she almost chocked on her spit that exact moment. "are you serious..? because..i've had a crush on you since forever." y/n admitted, averting her gaze from him.

he reached out for her hand, gripping it firmly, "i think we had too much to drink.."

y/n looked back at him, "i have one more question.."

"yes, y/n ?"

she sat up, her best friend mimicking her. cupping his face, she kissed tip of his nose gently, "can we..well, can i please you ?"

hitoshi almost exploded.

a/n: treat for yall next chapter mwuahahaha >:) sorry i've been gone so long, also, i hope this chapter gives enough context clues ! not proofread 🤦

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