isle six

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"THE AUDACITY THIS HOE HAS !" y/n stormed out of the staff room, her fists curled as if she was about to beat someone to near death. shinsou looked up at her lazily, "that hoe is our boss." the purple head didn't even have to ask what she was upset about, he knew her like the back of his hand.

not because they've been working together for a long time, but because the h/c headed girl always made a scene about the same things. "after stopping a shoplifting annoying brat, helping a cute little kid find her mom, dealing with eboys, and helping a karen, neither of us got employee of the month ?!" l/n threw her hands up in the air as she groaned out and slumped into the chair besides hitoshi's.

the unamused boy rested unbothered by the results of the employee of the month. the only thing the worker really got was their picture hanged up in the staff room. and that wasn't something he was really interested in. "we didn't stop the kid from shoplifting, he got away, six had to stop him."

the stubborn girl puffed her cheeks out, "six, she always gets employee of the month." y/n glared at the brunette girl as she restocked the candy bars near the cash register. "oh, are you jealous ?" his purple hues turned to look from her to their other co-worker.

" what ? no, it's just, she can't be both good at her job, and have a cute hacker boyfriend !" hitoshi rolled his eyes and groaned internally. "yes, of course. who doesn't want a cute hacker boyfriend." he replied sarcastically. her e/c eyes lit up, sparkling, something her sleepy friend caught.

"oh no, what are you—"

"let's get her fired ! i'll be crowned the new employee of the month, as i should !" the boy waited for the girl to say sike.

she didn't.

"i'll be right back, in just gonna—"

"y/n, no. don't do that."

"it'll be quick i'll just—"

"y/n COME BACK I—"

—| 🛒 |—

"what made you two think running into a stack of toilet paper was a good idea ?!" the woman who went by the tittle manager, exclaimed at l/n and her partner in crime. "it wasn't shinsou's fault, it was mine ! he didn't—" the middle aged woman shushed the younger girl, "i don't want to hear it ! just pick this up quickly before i fire you, just as that chicken pro hero did !"

the girl didn't even bother on correcting or defending the hero's name, chicken was a heck of a name to call him. "right, right. we'll get to it." she hears the tap of her shoes as the blonde haired woman walked away and into the staff room. "and you ask yourself why you're not employee of the month." her co-worker chuckled.

l/n rolled her eyes as she picked up the x3 cushioned super soft extra strength toilet paper. "she didn't have to bring chicken nugget headass into this." she retorted in a bit of a whisper. hitoshi nodded, "i'll admit, she didn't need to bring your past job into this." he reached down to pick up the products they had dropped.

"we should sell this on the black market to teach her a lesson."


"fair enough."

they started stacking up the paper, one by one, "you know" hitoshi started "this wouldn't have happened if you didn't try and push that cart into six." her face flushed in embarrassment, "w-well, it was an accident, i wasn't really going to try and get her fired." shinsou knew she wasn't being serious when she said that, but he didn't want to bother and expose her on her lie.

"speaking of fired, if you don't mind me asking, why did hawks fire you?" the boy wasn't trying to pressure her into answering, so after seconds of silence and her not answering he decided it's be best to take back the question. "nevermind, you don't have to answer to quest—"

"we had a fight" she looked up and sighed out, the boy taken aback that she actually responded. "a fight ?" he questioned. y/n nodded her head, "i wouldn't say so much a fight, more like a disagreement. . .a really, really, really, big disagreement." she chuckled to reduce the tension in the air, though it didn't help much. "well, thanks to that disagreement" he picked up the last toilet paper roll and stacked it, standing up from the ground and extending his hand to l/n to help her up, "you and me get to work at this local walmart."

he gave her a small smile, one in which in returned.

a/n: yall hawk simps boutta b real mad at me later on 😚 anyways, i'm back bby

edit: LYING ASS BITCH U WERE NOT BACK 😕😕 anyways NOW im back xx

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