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Arriving in Madeline's room, Edward saw her bed was empty till she walked in with a towel around her. "Oh my go..."

Edward quickly ran to her and covered her mouth. "Shh. We need to talk."

Madeline pushed Edward into her room and shut her door and locked it. "What are you doing here?" She asked quietly so Bella wouldn't hear.

"We need to talk."


"The downsides of my world." He says sitting on her bed.

Madeline walked over and sat down as she took Edward's hand in hers. "I'm all ears." She tells him. "After I have put on clothes."

Edward laughed as he watched Madeline. He saw the towel drop causing him to groan and look away. She knows how to tease without knowing it. Madeline only put on a shirt as she walked back to him. Seeing his eyes she had to ask. "Are you needing to hunt first?"

"That's not the reason." He tells her. "You teased."

Madeline learnt one thing about vampires eyes, because they are black doesn't mean that they are thirsty it also means they're horny. The young Swan blushed causing Edward to look at her. "What?"

Edward didn't say anything as they shared a kiss. Madeline wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him down with her. Edward pulled back looking at her. "I think you should know more about vampires. You know the good things, but not the bad."

"Tell me." She says as she felt Edward's hand moving up and down her side. "Every bad thing about being one instead of speed, strength, youth, finding your mate, etc,."

Edward smiled. "Blood. Some can't help but feed off humans. Some can have a smell, but some just feeds to be feeding." Madeline nodded as she liked the feeling of his had moving up and down her side. "Like your sister, she's a blood singer."

"What does that mean?"

"Her blood smells delicious to other vampires besides you."


"You, you are my mate."

Madeline smiled as she looked at him. "Tell me more about the downside."

Edward smiled as she was wanting to learn. He started telling her as he kept his hand on her side.
The next day, Madeline woke up to see it was sun shining. She looked at the time and screamed as she missed half the school day. She ran downstairs. "Daddy!"

"Maddie, is something wrong?"

"Why didn't no one wake me up?'

"Mads, you should know as well as I do and your sister. When you're in a heavy sleep, it's hard to get you to wake up." He says. "Don't worry, Bella is getting your work."

Madeline nodded. "Daddy, tonight, can I introduce you to my boyfriend?"

Charlie stopped eating and looked at his daughter. "Boyfriend?" He says. "Who is this boy and why am I just hearing about it?"

"Because you would have this reaction when it's me and not Bella." She tells him as she sat down. "His name is Edward Cullen."

"Doctor Cullen's boy?" Madeline nodded. "As long as he doesn't break your heart."

Madeline smiled as she stood up to fix her something to eat. She walked to the counter and started searching for an idea breakfast. Her mind went back to last night. Edward's hands running up and down her side. She wondered if they didn't talk much last night, would they ended up having...the idea along had Madeline blushing. "Hey, daddy?"


"Are you upset that I have boyfriend?"

"No." Charlie says. "Come on, I think the two of us need to talk about this. I know your mom had the talk with you, but I know the doctor wants you to have a baby now because of the cyst that they are afraid will grow." Madeline nodded. "I just want you to be careful. Make sure Edward is the one..."

"Daddy, we've been talking for a month. He just asked me out about a week ago. I won't say he's the one till I know for sure."


Madeline smiled as she knew that was what he wanted to hear. Yes, her and Edward are soulmates, but they are trying to treat their relationship like humans and not the supernatural world. She heard her phone ringing and walked to answer it. Charlie smiled as he knew that Madeline was playing it smart. There was no I love you's yet and she wasn't admitting to being in love. Something Charlie is happy about. "Hi, Edward. I know I'm not at school, but you should be spending family time and not talking to me."

"Treat her right, Edward."

Madeline Where stories live. Discover now