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Over the months that the Cullens left, Edward stayed hid so Bella won't get upset with Madeline. He could tell the she was upset with James for what he did to her sister. Bella hasn't been acting the same and it had him worried. Halloween went by then Thanksgiving and yet, Bella still won't say a word to Madeline. Charlie gave her a gift causing her to smile. "Thanks, daddy."

"Well I know at least you are okay since..." she gave him a look causing him to nod. "Why don't you go to him? Bella isn't helping the holidays and you need to have some fun."

Madeline looked at her sister then back to her dad. "I think it's time for her to go to mom's till she is better and has moved on. James is an idiot."

Charlie smiled. "True, but Edward isn't and he is waiting to spend his first Christmas with you."

Madeline hugged her dad. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you, Mads, now go."

Madeline grabbed her jacket and left. Charlie smiled as he was happy that one child was happy for the holidays.
Arriving at the Cullens, Edward appeared outside to see Madeline. He smiled as she parked the car and got out causing her to appear in front of him. He caught her, but they both went to the ground laughing. "Hi."

"What brings you by, baby?"

"It's Christmas, Edward and I wanted to spend my first Christmas with my first boyfriend."

Edward smiled as he kissed her. "I want that too." He says. "Let me get my gifts."

Madeline moved off him as he got up to get what she bought him. She hopes he likes what she got him as she thought really hard on them. Walking over to help, Edward looked at her and smiled. They walked together to the house with the gifts so they can enjoy their time together. "I told dad that I think it's time for him to send Bella to mom. She's not getting better and it has us worried."

"Well, we will figure something out, baby." He says kissing her neck causing her to close her eyes. "Do you want to open presents first or go to bed."

"We can do that anywhere in the house, but I would like to see what you got me."

Edward laughed as he knew how she was when it came to presents. Charlie told him when he asked him if he could propose to Madeline. He watched her walk up to the tree they put up to see something. She took the ring and looked at him to see him on one knee. "Edward?"

"Madeline Swan, I have never met a girl like you till you came. Then again I have been waiting for you since 1918, a year I wished you were born in." She smiled. "I would have courted you then like I did a few months back. There is no one else that I want by my side, but the woman I'm looking at that had me falling in love more and more each day."

"Oh, Edward."

"Will you marry me, Madeline?"

"Yes." She says as she kissed him.

Edward smiled as he kissed her back. Looking at him, Madeline knew she would open her gifts later, she wanted him. Edward picked her up and carried her to the couch. She moaned as she felt him kissing her neck. "I will make sure you have a good Christmas."

"Right now, I want this gift." She says ripping his shirt. "I want you."

That was enough for Edward to rip the dress she had on. Pulling his pants down, Edward moved down before he did anything to make sure this lasts. Madeline moaned as soon as she felt his tongue and grabbed his head. Hearing her moan was driving Edward crazy, but she was the only one who would and they were going to enjoy a few hours of them celebrating.
"Alice?" She looked at Jasper. "What's wrong?"

"I think Madeline discovered the impossible. I saw her...pregnant."

Madeline Where stories live. Discover now