Echidna Cove

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      fantacy au!!

This is based off the fan art above. (Which IS mine)

I've been thinking more about smut chapters but don't count on it!! I'll put a warning just in case I do


Travis Is a well known elf, for his assistance from village to village in his travels. Though he was usually sent to  execute large beings that were giving towns folk a hard time, fooled be not- he also greatly enjoyed studying his findings to make a guide book for the next generation of following travelers who had a heart of curiosity aswell.

      Travis was dark, brooding and easily tiped over the edge. Which sometimes caused people to not recruit him for help.  Although there was one person who wasn't afraid to talk to him and that was the kind soul of a single mother who goes by Mrs. Johnson.

    She's a strong woman that Travis viewed quite fondly of but he cares not for her pest of a son- Larry.

   Travis sighed as just the thought of the brunette bugged him. Travis wandered the shops not nessasarily in search of something, but simply to pass time.

  Speak of the devil.. Travis thought as he spotted lisa, dragging her demon child along. "Phelps." He greeted coldly.

  Travis pov:

    "Johnson." I greeted back, putting my hands behind me and straightening my posture.

    "Ohh hello Mr phelps! If you're up for it I have something for you to do. It's not hard- ill reward you!" She said rambling slightly. "Go on." I say.

   "Well there's a wood a little far from here and there's a special plant that grows there. But it's far too dangerous- could you pick some for me? I have a map!" She asked kindly, handing over a folded piece of paper in which i asumed was the map.  She's peeked my intrest as I hesitantly grabbed and opend the map.

     It looked like it would take quite a while to get to. But if I left in a hour if be back by maybe tomorrow night. I smile and nodd. "Of course. So you maybe have anything to show what the plant looks like, and how much you'd need?"

   "OH yes of course,  s-sorry." She smiled grabbing another paper and handing me a small hand held basket. Apon viewing the paper it was a drawing of a short lush looking plant with small berry-like things sprouting from the stems.  "It's for a recipe." She smiled kindly.

    "Consider it done Miss. Johnson." I said, confidence flowing in my voice, i bow slightly and walk away quickly. "Thank you!" I heard her yell from afar.

   I should get something to eat.. then I shall be on my way! I thought making my way to the food stands.


   I've been walking for possibly a hour or so.  My legs hurt as I plopped down for a break. I sigh heavily ant take my journal out from my travel bag.  I wrote a quick entry, and tape the drawing of the plant, explaining my small journey to retrieve it.

    I look at the map again, seeing I wasn't far, but something else on the map peeked my intrest it looked too be a cave it was labeled 'Echidna Cove' In red there was a note by Lisa not to go in which tiped my curiosity even more.

    I decided to go against her warning, I have my trusty bow to help protect me, and I probably wouldn't sleep well for a few days if I didn't know what was inside. 

   I got up, grabbing my travel bag and stuffing the journal inside. I stretch my arms and begin my walk again.


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