chapter 16:Hellfire

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It's been about 2 months since I got discharged from the hospital. They gave me some pain medication. I mean it works but it gives me these insane headaches and I think it's causing night terrors or something.

School has started back up and I'm finally a senior, last year of hell. Things have gone back to "normal". I don't really like using the word normal in Hawkins, cause something is bound to get fucked up.

Everyone has adjusted pretty quickly. The "party" is back in school and playing DnD. Max and El are the bestest of friends and El is going to school. Steve and Robin got jobs at family video. Billy is working as a bartender in the only country club in Hawkins and people tip big there. Nancy is back to her reporter dream. Jonathan is working as a photographers assistant. Mom has like a telemarketing job where she works from home and Hopper is back as Sheriff.

Then there's me. I mean I guess I'm adjusting but it's definitely talking a little bit longer than everyone else. I have a part time job at the arcade and there's school and I turned 18 in August. Oh and Billy finally got his own place which is where I spend most nights. It's not the best place but it's better than his dads house and he said he always felt he was over stepping at my house.

So yeah, that's how the past 2 months have been.

I woke up that morning with a pounding headache. I sit up in the bed with my head in my hands. I take in as much air as I can in hopes it helps. This was not fun to wake up to considering I got little to no sleep because of my night terrors. That's the worst part. I feel my body slightly shake. I pull my knees to my chest and focus in my breathing.


I repeat over and over until they don't even feel real. I feel a hand on my thigh. I look over and see Billy's hand.

"What's wrong" he says with his eyes still half closed


He gives me a half-hearted skeptical look because he's still tired.

"I'm not that stupid...nightmare" he asks

I slowly lay back down with my head on his chest and my arm around his torso.

"I'm fine, I promise" I say looking up at him

he gives me a tight lipped smile. then he places a kiss on my head.

We lay there for another moment.

"I should get ready for school" I say starting to get up

I feel his arms wrap around me and pull me back into the bed

"no" he says turning me to face him

"I have to get ready" I say smiling at him

"just let me look at your beautiful face a little longer" he says pushing some loose strands away from my face

I try to stop myself from blushing

"you're to cute" He says then starts to kiss all over my face.

I can't help but fall into a pit of giggles and he starts laughing to

"ok....Ok....babe" I say trying to stop laughing and stop him

I grab a hold of the sides of his face to get him to look at me. I give him a small kiss

"I have to get ready" I say with a stern tone

"fine" he says with a huff and flops on to his back

I get out of bed and walk over to the closet and pick an oufltfit out

♡As I make my way to school I open the windows to let the fresh fall air in

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As I make my way to school I open the windows to let the fresh fall air in. I take a deep breath in and smile to myself, but within that little taste of peace I feel a migraine starting.

"fuck" I say, I reach for the volume nob hoping to drown out the headache, which was the worst fucking idea ever

I close my eyes for a split second then open them and a kid appears in the middle of the road. I slame one the breaks and I jolt forward.

"Holy shit" I look back to where that kid was and it's gone. I take a moment to gather my self and continue to school.

I DID IT FOR LOVE      y/n x Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now