Chapter 4:Bullshit

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"And then she tells me our relationship is bullshit" Steve says leaning his head on his steering wheel

"Steve,I'm so sorry. Do you think its because she had one to many" I ask
"Drunk words are sober thoughts" he says looking at me with glassy eyes

I feel for him,I do but I don't know what to say

I give him a side hug
"Just focus on you and basketball. Don't worry about it now,she'll talk to eventually and tell her how you feel"
"That doesn't work" he says getting out his car
"Have you ever tried"
"No" he says kicking the ground
"Well maybe you should"
He huffs and walks away

I look around the parking and see California glaring in my direction. I see him throw his cig on the ground and walk off.

What the hell?

The school day was finally over and it was time to go home.....but I have detention. Yeah apparently teachers don't like it when you correct them.

I walk out to my car to get some air before detention starts. I walk out and see California and some chick from Tina and Carol's group flirting at his car.

That dick,I should've known he would do this.

I walk to my car and California makes eye contact with me

"Hey y/n" the girl says

I flip her off and keep on walking to my car

Was it rude, absolutely but something about that.....them, makes me livid.

I throw my stuff in my car and grab some cigarettes from my glove box and stand at the front of my car. I never really smoke but that,that was my last straw. With Wills episodes, Steve and Nancy drama and now California. I hear the Camero start up and I see California slowly drive by looking at me with the girl in the passenger seat.

I mouth a simple "fuck you" and he just SMILES the drives off. I watch him speed off in disbelief.

I walk out thr school agter detention and see that stupid Camero in the parking lot. I keep walking to my car but in the corner of my eye I see the driver door open up.

"Hey,have you seen Max"
"Oh you mean your sister"I say throwing my stuff in my backseat and closing the door
"I told you she's not my sister"
"Really cause that's not what it seems like" I say with a very obvious attitude
"What's your problem" he asks

I whip in his direction
"What's MY problem, I think the question is-" I cut myself off when I see my moms green car pull out of the middle school.

I look over and see the party and the redhead standing at the front doors.
I start to walk away towards the school and I can hear California behind me. I pick up the pace and jog over there.
"Hey what's going on" I ask

That all start speaking at once. Except for the girl she looks just as confused as I am.

"One person speak" I say
"Will had a bad episode"Mike says
"When and where"
"Like 5 minutes ago and on the field" Lucas says
"Yeah and he was all like-" Dustin then goes to shake a little and roll his eyes into the back of his head

"Ok that's enough" I say
"Just show me where it exactly happened"
They all start to walk down the steps and walk over to the field.

"Not so fast Maxine"  I hear from behind us
We all turn to see Billy there with his arms crossed
"Billy not now"the girl says
"Then let's go" he says
"No"she says
"NO" he says walking closer

I stand between him and her
"Move" He says
"Lay off" I say holding my ground
He scoffs
"Just let me take her and there won't be a problem"he says
"I have a feeling there's gonna be a problem regardless" I say

He trys to reach behind me to grab her but I move so he can't.
"Just let me take her home"
"Why you had no problem leaving an hour ago without her"
"You left without me" she says from behind
"I told you if your late again your skating home" he says sternly

"Just give us 15 minutes and then you can go" I say
He goes to open his mouth but I speak before he could
"Please" I say looking into his eyes

He pinches the bridge of his nose
"Fine,15 minutes"

They all turn to run off but I stay and look at him for a moment
"Thanks" I say then run off after the kids

I gey there and they explain everthing to me. I turn to Dustin.


I DID IT FOR LOVE      y/n x Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now