Nobita's change

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This happened a long time ago....back when they were still kids and Doraemon was still by his side....looking back at those memories those were on of the most auspicious days of his life....
Nobita was sitting in a room filled with silence and the yellow tinge of light interposing from the gap between the curtains covering the window....
He was thinking about his past recollecting all the memories he had with Doraemon...and how defeatable he used to be....his ultimate dependence on Doraemon to solve all his problems....but a single incident changed the whole chapter of his incident which made him lose his most trustworthy partner....with whom he shared a indescribable bond....The incident....ah he closed his eyes....visualising the whole scenario

The incident:
It was a normal day....Nobita went to school to attend his classes but surprisingly this time he was on time....the day went pretty well for the saying goes behind every happiness their is dark truth awaiting for you.... was going really well for Nobita was very pleased by how the day was actually going well for had been an week and his luck was getting better with time...his performance in academic was gradually was the end of semester....they were going have the final examination....with his improving luck he was confident that he'll be able to pursue shizuka....he was planning on confessing his feelings to the girl he liked after the declaration of shizuka too seemed convinced by Nobita's improving performance...the results were declared...Nobita didn't top the school but got pretty decent marks instead of a big fat zero....

He thought this was the perfect opportunity to confess. Shizuka was standing with her other friends....Nobita was happily approaching Shizuka when he unknowingly overheard their conversation.....He first decided to ignore it ...but as he heard his name being mentioned in the conversation he calmed down to overhear their conversation.....he was overjoyed as to know what shizuka thought of him...

But his expectations were way too out of his league what he heard next made his heart sink in......shizuka was bitching about him and enjoying making fun of him...telling them all of his embarrassing stories...Nobita felt a strange pain in heart as though something really sharp was piercing through it.....though really hurt he tried to maintain his composure as he walked out of his hiding and stood infront of shizuka.....Shizuka was dumbstruck by his sudden appearance.....Trying to act like the innocent girl she was infront of Nobita she tried to brush off the topic...which left Nobita in disbelief as to how blind he was to fall in love with such a girl and how he was even about to to confess to her...

The day at school ended with a thunder struck Nobita who was still thinking about the incidence....he rushed back home planning to share his catastrophic experience with Doraemon his only understanding pal...he slid open the door with a huge bawl summoning Doraemon...but he was disappointed to see his absence...he sat down on the corner of the room....dreaming of how he actually had such great chemistry of him and shizuka only to be betrayed like this....He sat there disappointed for an hour and then finally decided to not be affected by this anymore......since he needs to move on...he stood up... determined to be true to his words....he headed towards his study table find a letter undersigned Doraemon...the letter stated:

Dear Nobita,
The letter might be quite surprising to you....but my time with you has come to an end .....the future department head ordered me to go back to future ...

I contacted Dorami and we saw through the future television and found your future was changing which means Satoshi might disappear and my time with you will also

I begged them to let me stay with you but there was no solution...they denied each one of my requests

Waaahhhhh!!!!! I'll miss you Nobita you are my best friend.....take care and be well.....i wish for your success now it's your responsibility to make me proud......

I want my Nobita to be successful!!!

Bye nobita~~
I hope someday we'll be able to meet each other again...I'll try my best

Reading the letter brought tears to his eyes.....they started filling up his eyes.....his misery was indescribable....such misfortune....why does it always happen to his existence the definition of misery.....he he had lost someone even more important to him.....

He decided it was time for a change he can't let down his buddy who's always been with him in every phase of his life...he has to change.....he has to meet Doraemon....and now he knows the truth about shizuka....he despises her the most....and he doesn't care even if she ends up with degisugi....he's done with all this shit in his life....he can't be so timid!!!he must train himself....his body....his mind and CHANGE!!! Coz people only approach the successful personalities ......that's how disgusting these low lives are.....he thought......

His change:
He went straight back to was tough for him to understand the concepts at first but after referring a few books he managed to solve a few of the questions....and completed his homework....the next day he woke up at 5 determined to work out a bit before going to school he wore his track suits and started jogging...and did few push ups...he was stunned to see how defeatable he was and how much way he still had to pave to reach his goal....he got tired of exercises easily which was bad as he needed more stamina....after exercise he came back home only to see his surprised mother who was wondering about his sudden her much surprise he greeted her politely and went to the bathroom.....he ate his breakfast and reached school on time....the teacher was surprised to see him like this even shizuka seemed impressed by him and started to initiate a conversation which was totally ignored by him...the teacher was left dumbfounded by his complete homework....this way gradually he improved himself in all the field though it was tough at first he still managed to do it.....

And now he was The Nobita who was very popular who even topped the school and got selected in a prestigious university the same as degisugi's.....he was still the topper and a bit of a flirt too...but people referred to him as cold personality .....'Yes' he was cold..... it took students a huge amount of confidence to talk to him....Now, he had a really good physique with outstanding visuals.....being the crush of all the girls in his university....

Degisugi was suprised by his sudden change but was very Happy for him.....he was glad because now he actually got chances to spend time with Nobita......As before Nobita used to ignore him but now they did combined studies...and had a pretty good relationship...not in the romantic way but a friendly one......Nobita was his crush he had been since the school days..he was happy to be able to spend time with him....and Nobita only spoke to him even though he talked less ...which made him feel like he was important to Nobita....and someday this feeling will not just be one sided but mutual.....

Author's notice:
Guyss!!!!!I'm tired I've been on it for an hour thinking about ideas and noting them...... I hope you we'll have some juicy stuff from the next chapter for sure.... Ciao.....
Btw I love reading the fanfics while listening to music it just helps bring out the feelings how about you guys!?

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