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~~next day~~

Third person POV:

As they were still in the verge of not being able to contact with each other as things weren't easy as it seemed . The world was against them. Why you may ask? But we know all to well for their relationship to nurture and them to be public would be a bigger challenge. The power of love can fight through the toughest situations but this involved their own family, and people's criticism . 

Nobita was walking back and forth from the school hallway just thinking about if they'll make it with all the criticisms or would their relationship falter. He wanted to support Degisuki fulfil all his wishes so the only thing he could manage to do was think about all the possibilities. 

One could say he had never given something so much thought . 

He was walking with his hand folded when kai spotted him . He approached Nobita as he asked what was making the Mr. know it all so worried. It was very unlikely of him to look deep in dilemma.

Kai: (gives him a slight push)

Nobita: oh my!!!! who?(turns)

Kai: hey! so Mr. are you good?

Nobita: umm ofc I'm fine

Kai: Btw I came here to ask for a slight help. do you remember the Hito guy.

Nobita: Yes I do..what about him

Kai: Well he threatened me to meet him at the central park today.

Nobita: Isn't it the most busiest park in the town . Why would he ask you to meet him there?

Kai: Hmmm....idk what's up in his mind this time.

Nobita: Do you have picture of him cause we need to recognize him in such a busy place . he could possibly attack from anywhere.

Kai: I don't know maybe it could be found in my school yearbook.

Nobita: Ok then do send me the picture of  the guy before we leave so we are a bit prepared.

~~(at noon)~~

Nobita was back at home since today their classes were only for a short period of time. He let his mind trail off easily and then he laid down on his bed while his mind trailed off to the incidence when he was a kid and he had a good friend named Beom . They used to play together everyday.


Beom- hey Nobita-san I'm back .

Nobita- Oh an d how is your grandma? You wen t to meet her since she was sick right!!

Beom- She's fine . She was reading stories to me . She always reads those princess stories as she finds them the most appealing

Nobita- Hey!!! she reads stories for you despite her ill health you should be happy to be able to spend some quality time with together.

Beom- You're right Nobita-san but she's always reading them for me. and I've even specially bought other books she could read for me but she insists on the same book

Nobita- Hey!!! Beoms give me those books I'll read them for you

Beom- you will really then today I'm coming at your house to stay over . Hope you don't mind~~~

Nobita- No just come fast!!!

~~at night~~

~~after dinner they had placed their futons right beside each other and they were both  right by each other....~~~

Nobita- So. where's the story you wanted me to read for you ??

Beom- Oh there are many but today I feel like I'd like to listen to this one(hands over the book)

Nobita-(huhhhhh!!!!!!!!) Hey Beom didn't you just say you hated when your grandma recited stories for you.

Beom- Yeah why???

Nobita- S o why is  this story titled 'the tale of the frog prince

Beom- because theirs's a prince!!!!!

Nobita- But it's still a fairytale isn't it!

Beom: well who cares I'm still a kid and kids like that.

Nobita- (U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E!!!!) but you said you hated  these stories...

Beom- Will you stop asking me questions I'm already getting sleepy and I need to know the whole story before I fall asleep .

Nobita- ok here we go listen carefully

~~end of the story~~

Beom- Nobita since you and I like each other will we marry and live happily together once we are of age and big enough.

Nobita-(blush) but we're boys.

Beoms- love is love . you should learn to love the world and love yourself since it's your world. You are the main lead here....

Nobita- Where did you learn that from?

Beom- My mom always says so~~ so it's a promise

Nobita- Yeah!  A promise it is!!! 

~~~end of flashback~~

Nobita remembered those fun days he lived as a kid when Doraemon was still there . And when Beom was still with him . He just wanted to meet him if only he could they were the best buddies and everything was so simple between them. No care of the world no pressure from the society and no need to worry about anything but as adults realization hit that things weren't easy . The world is more complicated than one could ever think.........

Author's Notice:

A new guy 'Beom'!!!!how would Nobita meet him ??? is it still not over ..........what's in store for them next

Hey!! Guys I left it unfinished for a long time . But I'll be updating my stories more often since i have so many incomplete stories on both my acc but I won't be rushing to end since the plot still must remain fun........ 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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