A new start....or was it!?

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Third person POV:
Things had definitely changed a lot in a day but nothing was official yet....a huge drawback to their relationship at this point......
It was already the next morning and they were all getting for their classes.....both degisugi and Nobita had comee out of their respective house.....as they had planned to meet at the junction....where their paths usually separated......

Nobita's POV:
Nobita was walking by, when he was suddenly hugged by someone....it took him by surprise.....he saw that the person was Kai!!...what had happened to him!? his face was full of bruises as if he had been bullied....but he had already dealt with the bullies....and the bullies had somehow turned into his worshiper....so there was no way it was them.....it was definitely someone else .....

Kai's POV:
I was being chased by people....i did manage to escape ....but i was still unsure if i had actually made it.... I was running as fast a I can and someone familiar was infront of me....i had to hide myself and I felt like he was the best choice....he was already aware about my situation.....I'm sure he'll help....i can't believe after being treated so badly by this cruel world .....i still managed to trust someone....and that someone turned out to be him......I hugged him....hiding my face in his hoodie..... finally when I felt safe .....i let go of him....


Degisugi's POV:
Hmm.....it's been so long .....why isn't he here yet....!?...what should I do!? Should I go to school or check on him in his house....better to enquire Aunty
If he's at home.....lemme go check on him in his house....
~~at Nobita's house ~~
He has left....but i never saw him on the way....maybe he's in the University already ....I should hurry then.....

Third person POV:
Nobita went to the medics shop and brought some ointments to treat Kai's bruises...and something for him to drink....

He sat besides Kai....and applied the ointments to which Kai flinched a bit by the pain and itching he felt by the ointment.....he had never been taken care of by someone like this
......he felt like he already had developed a crush for this guy....he felt so warm around him even though the same guy always emitted such cold aura....


Nobita: Now tell me who did this to you!?

Kai: I----I....idk

Nobita: Ik you're unwilling to spill out the truth .....but have courage....I'm with you.....

Kai: Haah.....I'll tell you....it's Hito...we used to study in the same class but he always treated me as his servant

Nobita: But you've already transferred... why's he still behind you!?

Kai: I have money....he needs money....he spends it for himself....and that's why he came today....and i refused him....but he didn't let go and became violent.

Nobita: Looks like the situation of your past isn't as simple as imagined...just how many are there!?

Kai: I'm sorry for getting you involved in my problems..... we're not even well acquainted...

Nobita: Don't be that way....i hate that....I'm rarely open to people...but we're definitely on great terms....I'll help you....

Kai: Being able to meet you .....is already a gift to me!!(smile)

Nobita: (smile) ofc....partner....

Kai: (blush)hahaha yesss partner

*Don't be offended readers partners here is as in being seat partner*

Nobita: So do you still wanna go for classess??

Kai: I'm not .....not yet....i can't be seen like this...my face is all bruised...

Nobita: Hmm....i see...

Kai: Would you like to go somewhere with me .....I'll show you something....

Nobita: hmm....ok....it's also been long for me since I bunked my classess...

Kai: You and bunking classess!?

Nobita: Yeah ! I used to as a kid
....but then i got serious for life...

Kai: oohhh?!! Let's go!!

Nobita: Yeah....

Kai's POV:
I hope he'll like the place .....it's somewhere i like to stay and even admire the world.....

Nobita's POV:
I guess i did make up the mood....he doesn't look sad now....this feels so different....it's been so long....i just can't resist.....I can experience my childhood once again....even if it's only for a single day.....but wait-----all this while I forgot....i left degisugi hanging....i forgot to inform him.....he'll be pissed for sure....ill keep in mind to bring him his favourite food while I return......

Third person POV:
Kai took Nobita to his secret garden the place was laden with greenery and such authentic flowers which Kai had himself taken care of....

Nobita appreciated Kai's effort for creating and maintaining such a beauty....there was an opening from where the city was fully visible....
They spent some time there...feeling the nature....and they slept as they felt so comfortable....both of them were sleeping soundly.....

Degisugi's POV:
Aunty had told me that Nobita had already left but he's still not here ....I searched everywhere he's still not here.....

Author's notice:
Hey guys !!!! Sup....ik it's been too long...but here it is .....what do you think would happen....will degisugi find Nobita !?

Different lives but Intertwined(Nobita X Dekisugi)Where stories live. Discover now