This is a nobita x fanfic... I've been meaning to write this since a very long time....I'll start it....btw when I say it's Nobita x degisugi it is it ....I've read many bl tagged as Nobita x dekisugi and nobisugi...but they all ende...
Third person POV: After the kiss, Nobita let degisugi down and dropped him off at his home. Degisugi held Nobita's hand while squeezing them while saying goodbye. They went back home with their hearts fluttering from the scene earlier.
~at home~
Nobita's POV: 😳Was i ever that upfront. Why'd I kiss him!? What was that urge!? And i just said that he still was ready to support him infront of his parents .... Am I okay!?
Degisugi's POV: I --- what just happened. This whole situation was too unpredictable. I mean I believed i like girls then why'd I kiss him??
(Well these two are battling with their own orientation!! They still aren't sure about their feelings for each other tooks turns so easily that they never had the opportunity to explore themselves )
~next day~
At school~~
Kai's POV: These two are acting weird. I mean if you wanna talk do it properly . What's with all this stuttering!!!?
~~kai joins them in ~~
Kai: hey you guys ?! What are you upto??
Nobita: oh kai! We were just talking about the project which was due!
Kai: huh!? You're that scared about it ...that you keep stuttering!
Degisugi : oh no we were just dealing with our hiccups!!!
Kai: you guys really think I'm a fool!? Hiccups!??????😑😑
Nobita: 😅yeah
Degisugi: I mean no ....hahaha i just remembered I have to study for today's viva. ( Run degisugi , run , yeah, you gotta run!?)
~~btw this *run-- is from a famous song guess the song~~
~~degisugi exits the scene ~~
Nobita: ooiiiii degisugi!!!?
Kai: I think he's busy but what are you upto!?
Nobita: I was just trying to have a talk but it really was the most I've struggled to form words while talking to someone...
Kai: Yeah you really we're making a fool out of yourself...
Nobita: 😅now that you say it i can see how i was ...but idk i feel like we are on bad terms now that we keep avoiding each other
Kai: You guys are unpredictable.. weren't you guys really cute about each other just about yesterday. Is it because of the fight!? That i kept you hanging!?
Nobita: Umm... No we dealt with it nicely but rn the case is a bit sensitive. I think we both need some time to figure it out.
Kai: 👽👽you are wierd who makes a huge deal about a mere fight that you need time .!?
Nobita: haha you see it's a different case!?
Kai: (now's my chance as they seem to not be getting along i can finally make a move) oh yeah . Anyways, wanna watch a movie to help you feel a bit good.
Nobita: I'd like that. How about we let degisugi join us !?
Kai: (him again) It would be awkward since you two are on bad terms rn!and didn't you just say both of you needed some time.
Nobita: Humph! You are right! I should wait.
Kai: so after school it is !! What genre do you like!?
Nobita : sci-fi and romance ...umm horror is the best tho..
Kai: ok I'll book the tickets then.
Nobita: ok then I'll be paying for the food.
Kai: there's no need!!
Nobita: no the share should be equal.
Kai: ok... Then be on time...(smile)
~~bell rings ...end of interval~~
Degisugi's POV: The talk was too awkward . I had thought that things would turn perfectly fine .. But it felt like i just kept messing things up. Oh no did we act on impulse yesterday.. degisugi's you gotta be upfront and what should I say ... That i like him when I'm not even sure myself ... I mean I do feel my stomach clench and the butterflies ever since we were young but I never thought things would get real.
Nobita's POV: I feel like i should be with degisugi rn ...but a lot's been going on with me as well... Idk if I'll be able to do things right.. since my heartbeat starts accelerating as soon as I see him... I'll go have a talk with him tomorrow.. Since I myself am not in control and this needs to be handled carefully when I'm in my right mind.
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Author's notice: Hey guys ..... here's an update and i hope you enjoy reading this chapter since Kai's role was still there i planned on continuing this fanfic.