Train to Nowhere

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For this exercise, the prompt was to write with a time limit based off of a picture. This time, the goal is to write with an ambiance/mood of suspense, mystery, or horror. As you have noticed, I typically write with one of my friends for these sorts of prompts, just so that we can see where I take it and vice versa. This prompt used a picture of a train which my friend started. My part is the second part that is normal text, and finishes her prompt which is in bold. I don't know where she wanted to take it, but we were definitely on different ideas XD


Train to Nowhere

She walked along the tracks. Destination unknown, she only knew that she wanted to get as far away as she could from where her back was turned. The sun was beginning to set but there was still dirt beneath her feet, therefore she knew she hadn't gone far.

As much as she would have liked to press on her legs already had an ache set deep in her calves. She'd be sure to feel it in the morning as is and tearing a muscle wouldn't do her any good.

She flopped onto the ground, a puff of dust floating up into the dry air. She yearned for sleep but her stomach grumbled in protest. Looking around for fuel for a fire, she started trying to pull the wood beams off the abandoned railroad tracks to her left.

Try as she might, the wood wouldn't come free. As she prepped for a second attempt, she felt a vibration from through the tracks. She couldn't help but feel puzzled. The only reason there would be a vibration was if there was a train...

With a yelp she fell backwards as a train plowed by seconds later. How had she not heard it coming?!

Trying to catch her breath, the train slowly came to a stop in front of her. These tracks looked old, broken, and unused. Did a train really run here?

She watched the train nervously. No one was coming out of the caboose and she could hear no one trying to speak to her. She frowned. Now that she thought about it, there was no sound at all besides the creatures beside her and her own panting breath. Was this some sort of electronic train?

She looked at the top, where coal was still coming out from the spout-like thing. No, this was definitely not an electric train. What in the world?

Something inside her urged her on. Against her better judgement, she hopped onto the ladder and climbed up. Standing on the black metal made her realize just how hot it truly was. The metal was so reflective that even the setting sun couldn't hide the heat coming from the machine. Maybe it was from the coal?

She moved along the rail, holding onto it tightly. For some inexplicable reason it gave her comfort, and comfort was what she needed now.

With a soft sigh, she stood in front of the door. There was no one inside- and no shadows of a being hiding, either. She pushed open the door, wincing at the loud creak that sounded like a gunshot in the silence.

"Hello?" She stepped through, placing a hand on the leather conductors chair.

And in that moment, everything went still. Time had slowed to such a small, instant second that she could see particles of dust lingering in the air.

The next moment she was screaming as her body was thrown back into a wall as the train kicked back to life, moving at full speed. From behind her a door opened, and large, rough hands grabbed her body, dragging her backwards into the darkness, leaving nothing of her but a fingerprint in the dust and her screams in the air.

So I hope you liked that. I'm sure my friend wanted it in a completely different direction, but meh. I do what I want. Honestly I love the ending to this one, I could do many things with this. But the mysterious element is wonderful as well, don't you think? Very spooky :)

Well, until next time, my lovelies!


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