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I decided to reduce clutter on my page by deleting the very much not completed March Writing Prompts from this year. I am going to transfer the prompts I actually did onto here. Maybe I will do that one again in the future, but for right now I'm just too busy...

Prompt:  Lucid

She was trapped.

The room was dark, save for the light flashing from her alarm clock, taunting her with the gentle flash of 2:05, the green glow that betrayed the truth of where she was.

She tried to move. Tried to move anything that wasn't her eyes, lift her finger, even blink. Well, blinking was something she could do. Her eyes blinked desperately, hoping for a solace from this never ending stillness.

Her chest rose and fell with a harsh, broken rhythm. Her mind was chaotic, churning from the chaotic mess of her dream moments before.

It was happening again. Of course it was happening again. It always took a hold of her, the dreaming darkness that settled upon her in a way that it would for no other. It didn't torture them, didn't give them the dreams night after night that clutched at her soul and her body, stilling her and preventing her from escaping its grasp.

She had googled it. Ways to perhaps stop its torture, to gain control as it happened or even stop dreaming entirely. But nothing she tried worked. Every night she remained in its terrible embrace.

Sometimes these dreams were not nightmares. Most of the time they were- filled with otherworldly beings clawing at her skin, monsters chasing her through horrifying, destroyed landscapes, creatures ripping through her slowly, painfully until she screamed in her sleep.

But sometimes the dreams were sweet. The gentle caress of an unseen lover, a sweet, heavenly escape in a world of wings and freedom. Regardless, not being able to move still had her insane, and she woke every morning with a sore throat even though she didn't audibly scream.

Today's dream was an unwelcome nightmare. She blinked, and for a brief moment she found herself in an apocalyptic situation, a horde of flesh eating beasts tearing into her family and friends, a few observant ones turning her way.


Now her room, darkened, the open window blowing gently on the curtain, making it swish gently in the breeze and rub across the foot of her bed.


A deformed, wolflike creature, blood dripping from its torn neck, drool spilling across the ground as it steadily stalked towards her. Its growl of intent making its friends stare in interest.


The clock made a soft beep, indicating it was 2:15. Did her hand twitch? Was it just her imagination praying for freedom?


Its hot breath was foul as it huffed and puffed, taking in the sickly-sweet scent of fear. Intelligent red eyes deciding where it would sink its teeth first.


Her hand was moving, but nothing else. She was more aware this time, however. Maybe she could escape?


Sharp pain spiraling through her abdomen as it sank its sharp teeth deep into her thigh, boldly ripping the flesh from her bones. More and more flesh, torn from other parts of her body, leaving her empty, hot blood spilling onto the ground. But she was moving. Was she moving?


A bloodcurdling scream.

Word Count: 507

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