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Music fills the balls room combined with a mixture of laughing and talking from the ton. Anthony mother is in full action tonight already trying to Marry of his other sibling periodically approaching them and telling them all about the "lovely men/women" she knows. Anthony has kept getting dragged into meaningless small talk with people which is really getting in the way of him watching the door. He constantly keeps checking the clock wondering why the Sharma family aren't here, he assume they are late because Kate has been trying to convince them of some illness she has to wear she will be unable to attend this ball. The corner of his mouth curls thinking about how cute she probably pleading  her case to why her headache is bothering her.

Kate felt sick.  She tried to look some what happy as she listen to Edwina talk about how excited she was to marry Anthony. Kate was crumbling on the inside because as much as she knew it was wrong she was envious  of her sister. Kate want to be viscountess Bridgeton more than anything. She had come to terms with the fact she loved Anthony she couldn't help it they   Souls had connect and there  was nothing she could do to break them apart. Unfortunately, his love was  with her sister which put Kate in a difficult position. She could tell Edwina how she felt about Anthony which would cause huge scandal and ruin her relationship with her sister for ever or she could runaway to India the moment they marry. She chose option 2 it would be easier Anthony would never have to know how she felt and Kate would be free from having to see him everyday. It wasn't what she wanted but it was for the best. "didi I can't believe it I'm going to be a viscountess tomorrow  isn't it wonderful" Edwina squealed. It was like Kate has been stabbed and the knife  was being  pushed further into the wound every time Her sister talked about being unbelievably happy to marry the viscount it made Kate feel even more guilty about the Jealousy she was feeling. Oh god she really hated Anthony for the way he made her feel.

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