What if

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Kate had been enjoying her time in London. She had spent most of her time with Mary catching up. However, she had met Eloise at Gunters one afternoon. They spoke for hours, Kate told Eloise about Life India and all that she had been up to (leaving out all the bits about Anthony). Eloise told Kate about her fall out with Penelope (but left out that Penelope was Lady Whistledown) and how she was board without anyone to talk to (also not mentioning Theo, she didn't need another lecture). "Are you coming to my mother ball tonight" Eloise asked. Kate looked puzzled. "I didn't know about it" kate said quitely. Assuming Anthony told his mother not to invite her. "I made my mother send an invite to Lady Mary she must of just forgotten to tell you I know you to have been busy spending time together" Eloise said with a giggle. Kate gave a small smile in return.

Once Kate returned home she went to find Mary. "Darling your back" Mary exclaimed jumping from her seat to hug Kate.  Kate pulled backed at looked at her. "Did we get an invite to Lady Bridgeton hall" she asked. Mary face dropped. She didn't want to tell Kate about the ball as she assumed Kate wouldn't want to go because of the viscount. She knew Edwina had given her sister blessing to be with the viscount and Mary knew Kate loved him but she was still standing in her own way of happiness. "I didn't think you would want to go after everything" Mary replied softly. Kate began to cry. "I don't know what to do mother, I am just in so much pain It hurts so much" she sobbed. "Oh Kate" Mary said wrapping her arm around her hugging her tightly "you deserve so much happiness in this world after everything you gave up. I don't see why you are blocking yourself from happiness. Edwina has forgiven you and given you her blessing to be with the viscount. What's stopping you".  "What if he doesn't really love mama what if it's all just part of his way to mess with me or just pure passion. I don't know I'm just so confused" kate sobbed. Marry hugged her tighter. "Oh darling anyone can tell by looking at the viscount how taken he is with you. We will go to the bridgeton hall tonight with are heads held high and you will see for yourself".

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