Matter to discuss

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Kate kept replaying the kiss in her head. The way Anthony lips felts against hers. The way he held her tight as his mouth explored her. The way he groaned when she played with his hair. It was perfect. He was perfect. Yet she was never going to be able to experience it again because he was not hers. His word played on her mind the whole carriage ride home. "I love you" "I need you" " I burn for you". It was all she ever wanted to her.

Kate wasn't paying attention to Edwina. Not that she was saying anything different, just the usual how excited she was to become the viscountess  and how she couldn't wait to have everyone in watch he walk down the aisle.  Lady Danbury and Mary both smiled at each other obviously both still thrilled about the match. As the carriage pulled into Lady Danbury resident Kate looked out the window to see Anthony and his mother waiting outside.

Anthony and his mother had  arrived at the Lady Danbury house a few minutes ago. Violet had eventually got Daphne to admit what she knew and was shocked to find out Anthony suspected feeling for The eldest Sharma daughter . Violet wouldn't of figured it out on her own as she was under the impression that's the two of them didn't get along but know thinking about it Kate Sharma is very similar to Anthony. Both of them waited in silence neither had come up with away for the engagement to end without scandal but Violet thought she should at least be there to support her son.

"Lord Bridgeton, what bring you here" Lady Danbury says with a curtsy.  Anthony step forward towards the lady's. He looked at Kate, she seemed very puzzled to why he was here. Then he looked to Edwina who too looked puzzled to why he was here. "My lord is everything ok" Edwina said with a worrisome tone.  Anthony took a deep. "Miss Sharma, I need to speak to you about our engagement" he said flatly.

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