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Anthony grabbed Benedict and pulled him into his study. "Woah" "what's going on brother" Benedict enquired. "I can't marry Edwina" Anthony Said in a panicked tone. Anthony watched Benedict give him a sorrowful smile "ah brother everyone get nervous I'm sure you will feel fine tomorrow" he said in a playful probably because he assumed Anthony was not serious. Anthony could feel his heart start beating faster. He knew time was running out he was to be wed to a women he didn't love tomorrow and the women he did love had just broken his heart. "No you don't understand I can't marry her because I don't love her I never have I never will, I have been focused on a need to fulfil my duties I neglected my own wants and I don't want to marry her" his voice came of as a mixture of panic and sadness.

Benedict look perplexed. The room grew silent. Anthony began to pace up and down his study waiting for Benedict to respond. Before, he could utter a word Collin came through the door "there you to are" he said. Collin look perplexed at the fact Anthony was franticly passing the study and Benedict looked like he had just seen a ghost. "What goings on here, why is everything so tense" Collin questioned. Anthony looked like he was about to exploded and the probably kill Collin for asking him that question so before it turned into a murder scene bendict stepped in. "Well Anthony has informed me he can't marry miss Edwina because he doesn't seem to love her" Benedict said flatly. Collin looked at Anthony, Anthony looked at Collin. Nobody spoke for a minute.

The room grew further into a unsettling silence and all 3 brother just blankly stared  at each other. "I just can't do it" Anthony finally spoke. "I just can't do it to myself I know I must marry and have an air but I can't with her I just can't my life will be even more miserable and I will be even more of an arse if I go threw with this" Anthony muttered. He sounded so full of pain. Collin and Benedict didn't know what to say they had never seen their brother look so defeated. "Ok then we will figure this out Anthony" Collin said trying to ease his brother. "Yes, all we need to is just figure out a way for you to get out of this marriage without causing utter ruin to both families" Benedict added trying to sound supportive but failing miserably. Anthony new that it would be easier to learn how to fly then it would be to get out of this mess scandals free

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