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His morning went the same as it always had gone.

He rolled out of bed, kicked off the socks he has always forgotten to get rid of the night before, and prepared to face his day. He took a shower, turned off the heater in order to have the cold water splash him awake, brushed his teeth, got dressed, made his bed, and then headed out of his room to do his first chore of the day.

He wiped the exhaustion from his face and plastered a smile that would make any girl swoon. He throws open the door leading to his twin sister's room, ready to engage in yet another petty argument. However, she wasn't there.

The blonde girl who would usually be found still buried under her covers, not at all getting ready for the day, was gone. What surprised him more was how neat and empty her room us. Nothing was left behind other than the bed and desk she, unfortunately, could bring with her.

It finally dawned on him. The reality is that when he had driven his twin to the airport the other day with his parents, there would be major changes in his life as she would be away for a very long time.

His twin, who he had spent practically his entire life with, was no longer by his side.

She was out there, on the other side of the world, fulfilling her dreams to become the best fashion designer she could be. And he was supportive of that, yes, at least she had a direction in her life compared to him.

However, he still couldn't help but feel lonely.


He entered the gates of his school, Teyvat High, one of the most renowned schools in all of Stellaris. Teyvat High has been known to produce the best students from lawyers to artists who make an impact worldwide. Students of Teyvat High are driven and motivated, excelling in anything put in their way.

He didn't feel like a student of Teyvat High. He was not driven or motivated, he wasn't as smart as his classmates nor did he have a passion he'd go to such lengths to achieve... he was just, him.

He was a little sunshine that put smiles on people's faces. He had the face of a painting and the voice of an angel. But putting smiles on people's faces doesn't make you any profit. He did not consider it a talent for he believed it wasn't.

He knew that as he walked through the halls of Teyvat High there were many that looked upon him with contempt. They saw him as weak, a good-for-nothing boy who had nothing going for him but his looks.

Lumine had always been the fierce twin. She fought for both of their dignity and was an independent lady... the exact opposite of Aether.

He looked down upon himself just as many people did. Now he was alone with no one to console him, all fake smiles and 'how are you's.

He took a seat in his first class and takes a deep breath, "I'll be fine, it's not a big deal..," he muttered to himself, fingers fiddling with his papers, "I'll just... do what I do best... being nice."





"I said what."

"You see that over there?"

"No, I can't. I'm obviously busy so can you kindly shut up?"

The brunette girl grumbled under her breath as she wrapped her arms around the (h/c)-haired girl, rocking her side to side like a mother, "(Y/nnnnnn), you're always working so hard on that sketchbook! Can't you at least spare me a glance?!"

(Y/n) glanced at her before immediately looking back down at her sketchbook, "There."

"That's not what I meant!"

"Fine." (Y/n) sighed, slamming her sketchbook shut as she set her colored pencil aside to look at her best friend, "What?"

"You see that?" Hu pointed towards a certain blonde boy sitting at the front row, alone. "Isn't that Aether?"

"Yeah, it is. Why?" (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him, not really seeing what her friend was trying to point out. "He's just sitting and minding his own business like you should be doing."

"Okay, okay, yes, he's sitting." Hu nods. "But don't you notice the huge stack of papers in front of him?"

"What? You mean the student council papers?"

"Yeah," Hu said. "Don't you think it's suspicious? Everyone knows that Lumine moved to another school and there are already people asking him to do their work for them!"

"Kunikuzushi is a lazy prick anyway, he should've just said no." (Y/n) rolled her eyes, tapping her pencil impatiently on her desk, "That jerk hates everything and everyone, I'm not really surprised he freeloads like this."

"Yeah, and he took advantage of Lumine being away!" Hu exclaimed. "I feel bad for him. He hasn't gotten used to being apart from his twin yet he's here doing uncredited work!"

"Alright alright," (Y/n) sighed, pushing her seat back as she got up. "I'll ask him about it."

"Yay! That's my girl!" Hu clapped her hands together happily. "Don't worry, I'll color your piece for you!"

"NO." (Y/n) glared at her."Touch my art and you die. Hu, stay put."

"Okay, okay, I hear you!" Hu held her hands up. "Just... do your thing! No one would question you approaching him."

"Scared of fangirls," (Y/n) snickered before walking over to the blond boy.

"Hey." She pat him on the shoulder.

Aether stopped his calculations and turned to her, not forgetting to give her a welcoming smile.

"Yes, (Y/n)? Do you need something?"

"No, I actually came here to ask you that." (Y/n) shrugged, placing her hands in her skirt's pockets. "Actually, just give me the papers, alright? I'll return it to the student council room."

"But why?" Aether asked.

"Because you're not part of the student council and shouldn't be doing this crap." (Y/n) motioned for the papers. "Look until we've elected a new class president, I still have authority, got it? You don't have to do work that's not yours, just give it here."

"It's okay, (Y/n), really." Aether shook his head, "I'm happy to be helping a friend."

"Who? Kunikuzushi? That guy has no friends, just people he takes advantage of." (Y/n) scoffed. "I'll give him a good scolding, don't worry."

"... Uh, Aether?" Both (Y/n) and Aether's eyes turned to the third party, coming face-to-face with another classmate who had her homework in her hands, "... I forgot to do our summer reading, so can you—?"

"Share with you the answers to the questionnaire? Sure." Aether smiled before turning back to (Y/n). "It's fine, (Y/n). You don't have to be bothered over this."

(Y/n) sighed and gave up."Fine. Have it your way then," she grumbled, returning to her seat in an even lousier mood than she already was in since Hu interrupted her focus.

"What'd he say—?"

"He said he's fine."

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