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"Excuse me?" (Y/n) couldn't help but give them a look of offense. Even though she was on the verge of becoming an emotional wreck, she wasn't about to give these two bullies what they wanted. "I just wanted to talk to my friend, is that too much to ask for?"

"Psh, 'friend' you say," the guy without the camera scoffed. "You guys didn't interact until Lumine had gone to another school! It's obvious you're trying to take advantage of him! Obviously, you'd have the upper hand if the school's sunshine is on your side."

"I have no such intentions," (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and crosses her arms. "Don't you think you're making such wild assumptions here? And undermining Aether as well."

"You and I both know he's kind of a pushover." The guy rolled his eyes. "That's why it's our job to make sure psychopaths as you stay in your lane!"

"Um, excuse me?" A brunette girl cleared her throat as she stepped into the conversation. "I couldn't help but overhear you called Aether a pushover?"

At this point, Amber, Fischl, and Mona took their places next to (Y/n) with deadly glares on their faces. They looked just about ready to fight these two bigger guys for the sake of the (h/c)-haired girl.

"Thy prinzessin senses injustice and disgrace from lowly commoners who have been treating my loyal retainer, (Y/n), with disrespect! What punishment should the prinzessin give the lowly commoners for committing such heinous crimes?!"

The guy got visibly nervous, his friend backing away just a little bit. The camera guy looked at his friend in desperation as if saying, 'Cmon man, it's not worth it, let's just go—'

"Well, yeah..." The guy shrugged. "Everyone knows he is... That's why we have to protect him—"

"Oh, we heard you the first time." Mona's glare darkened as she tapped her foot impatiently. "Not only are you insulting Aether, but also (Y/n)! How would you like it if I reported you to the disciplinary council? I'm sure Ms. Rosaria won't take very kindly to your behavior."

"Oi! I saw some crowd forming here. Y'all better not be ganging up on my bestie!" Hu came rushing into the scene, a hammer in hand. "Don't make me use it!"

(Y/n) looked at the tool in her hand and cringed. "Hu, what is this for—"

"I won't hesitate to use it!"

The guy's eye twitched and he raised his hands in the air. "Okay, okay chill! No need to be so aggressive you all! You didn't even finish hearing me out—"

"Hey... Let's just go." His friend grabbed his wrist, dropping the camera. "We're drawing too much attention."

"No, bro! You know how much I loathe her, just let me have this moment, okay!" The guy roughly slapped his friend's hand off. He pushed past the girls and jabbed a finger at (Y/n)'s chest. "You piss me off! Always acting so goody-two-shoes and talking down on everyone! Even if the perpetrator wasn't you, I sure do hope they still get rid of you!"

The guy pulled his fist back, seemingly about to throw a fist at her when a hand stopped him from doing so. Soft, frail hands grabbed him from behind and pulled him away, pushing him to the ground.

The guy looks up at the one that stopped him, stunned to see an upset-looking Aether.

"This is not how you should go about your problems." Aether shook his head disappointedly, glaring daggers at him. "Please leave before anyone else commits a crime. I don't think I would've held myself back if you went through with that punch."

The guy's friend grumbled under his breath and forced the guy up before swiftly running away. The girls turned to (Y/n), looking to console her from the event that had just happened.

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